

Prepping for the Big Stage: IFBB Bikini Pro Ashley Kaltwasser, Bikini Olympia 2013


Prepping for the Big Stage: IFBB Bikini Pro Ashley Kaltwasser, Bikini Olympia 2013


It’s less than a month till the 2Ashley Kaltwasser013 Bikini Olympia.  This will be my first Olympia and I am beyond excited!  I qualified for the big O at the Detroit Pro where I took 1st place, and also the Toronto Pro where I also took home a win. I get goosebumps every time I think about competing on the big stage.

 I’ve been asked by several people, “What is your goal for the Olympia?”  It’s a complicated question as it is more than just a certain placing that I want.  I want to first and foremost, have no regrets.  I don’t want any “woulda, coulda, shouldas”!  What exactly does that mean?  Well, I don’t want to slack during my workouts for one.  I need to go 100%!  I have never been one to do a lot of cardio, but I have added a few HIIT sessions to my workout regime.   I am doing about 2 ten minute sessions of HIIT and 2- 20 minute sessions of regular cardio per week along with 4 sessions of weight training total.  There is no time for slacking in the gym at this point.  My workout have been kicked up a notch, if you will.

 Diet, also needs to be 100%.  My diet has been slightly more restrictive as I get closer and closer to the show.  For me personally, this means fewer carbohydrates and less “free” calories.  Also my “cheat” meals are more reasonable and healthy.  I really pride myself on staying relatively close to contest shape year round.  I am probably 5 pounds away from stage weight right now (at one month out), if I could take a guess.  Though I do not weigh myself regularly, I can see when I get close to being at my peak.

  As far as feedback that I have gotten from other judges (body composition), I have been told to stay the same but try not to get any leaner than I already was at my past shows this year.  I do, however, plan on changing minor details in my overall appearance to give me that extra “umph”!  I have always been so stubborn with hiring professionals to do my hair and makeup because I am very picky.  But I am going all out and hiring two lovely ladies who definitely know their stuff!  Those would be my good friends and fellow IFBB bikini pros, Marisol Lara & Lisa Perry!  I trust them with everything and I know they will do a fantastic job.  If you haven’t seen their work you need to check them out they do fantastic work!  I am also re-vamping my suit.  It will be the same color but a better fit and possibly more stones and different connectors.  My suit designer, Cynthia James from CJ’s Elite Competition Wear (www.cynthia-james.com) is fixing me all up.  I told her I am extremely attached to the emerald green and I cannot see myself in any other color.  I think the emerald green will be my “signature” color for a while LOL!  I am also looking to spice up my presentation.  It’s amazing what you notice when you watch YouTube videos of yourself onstage. 

 Now For the placing.  Honestly, as cliché as it sounds, as long as I have done my best… then I am a happy camper.  But, with that said… top 10 would be IDEAL and I would be the happiest girl alive.  I always think of myself as being a realistic person.  I think top 10 is both attainable and realistic for me.  I have 2 pro wins and 3 pro 2nd places under my belt.  I have done some pretty big shows this year (like the Arnold International, Pittsburgh Pro and NY Pro!) with a lot a good competition and I could not be happier with my placings.  I know that the Olympia is a whole new game.  I will be competing with the best of the best and most beautiful women in the world.  I realize coming into this show I will be one of the few “rookie” competitors going against ladies that have been competing on the pro stage for years.  No matter what I know it will be a good time.  I mean, how couldn’t it be… it’s in VEGAashleykaltwasser1S!  I am staying there an extra day to enjoy myself and relax.  I don’t know what competitions are ahead of me after I compete at the O.  I guess it all depends on how I place and how I feel.  

This whole year has been a whirlwind of excitement for me.  It is truly a dream come true right before my eyes.  So many good things have happened for me within this last year… it’s been UNREAL!  I just want to thank all of the people and companies who have helped and believed me along the way and given me the chance to compete at the best of my abilities.  So here we go; Thank you first off to the NPC/IFBB for giving me the chance to compete in this awesome sport, my manager JM Manion of FMG, my coach Summer Montabone of Team VIP, my workout buddies at the gym, my tanning sponsor Liquid Sun Rayz, My supplement sponsor GNC, my lovely suit designer Cynthia James aka CJ, my followers, friends, family & my boo for being so supportive and of course RX Girl for giving me the opportunity to blog!  Thank you EVERYONE!  See you at the O!



Ashley Kaltwasser

IFBB Bikini Pro & Olympia Qualifier


You can reach me on:

Twitter: @AshleyKfit

Instagram: AshleyKfit

Facebook: Facebook.com/BikiniProAshley

For appearances and sponsorship please contact:  FMG, P.O. Box 293, Presto, Pennsylvania 15142-0293: 


Phone: (412) 260-8863

Email fitnessdivasproductions@verizon.net

Website http://www.fmg-fitnessmanagementgroup.com




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