

Apprime Fit By Michelle Blank-Blog 1

Apprime Fit By Michelle Blank-Blog 1

Apprime, an adverb in Latin translates to "above all"
which succinctly defines my credo,
"fitness above all…mind, body, spirit”

880rb3359Welcome to my bi-weekly blog!  When I was approached about doing a blog my first thought was do I have time in my busy life.  My second thought was it is a great opportunity to reach out to more people, let them know how I balance my life and help others find ways to balance theirs and lead a more fulfilling life.  I decided realistically writing a blog once a week may not be feasible for me, but I’m sure I could handle a bi-weekly blog.

Here is a little bit about me.  I am an IFBB Pro Competitor.  Normally I would say Pro Fitness Competitor but as of last week I am also a Women’s Physique competitor.  However, my main job and priority is as a Federal Agent currently detailed to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) as a defensive tactics and arrest techniques instructor.  This is a highly demanding job both physically and mentally in which I take great pride in the opportunity to train those that protect our homeland.

2011 was an incredible year for me.  In April 2011 I made my Pro Fitness debut at the NY Pro, earned 3rd place and qualified for the Olympia!  I was so excited to have the opportunity to compete my rookie year in the Olympia.  As I stood on the stage with my fellow rookie Jodi Boam next to me, I said to her, “Jodi, we are on the Olympia stage!” Only a few minutes later, I was announced as earning 6th place!  What an honor to be named among the top 6 in the world!

Coming off such a year, 2012 had a lot to live up to.  I was excited to receive an invitation to compete in my first Arnold Classic and started my prep at the end of December.  My plan was to compete at the Arnold and the St Louis Pro in Fitness until snap, literally, I got a partial tear in my left calf.   This is not a good injury to have when you need to tumble and jump on stage.  After considering my options, I decided I would modify my prep, attempt to prepare DSC 2013for competing in hopes my calf would heal in time.  This is not the first time I had to work around an injury.  My entire prep for the Olympia I was dealing with a chronic hamstring issue.  I pulled back out my trusty sport psychology books that helped me in my Olympia prep and forged ahead.  However, the calf injury has been a bit different than the hamstring.  I could push through the hamstring injury, but I could not afford to over do it on the calf.  If I trained too hard I risked completely tearing my calf which would not only effect my ability to compete, but my ability to do my job.  This required a much more restricted diet to get lean, more physical therapy to try to heal my injuries, more mental training to keep me in a positive spirit, and more support of those close to me.  With just under three weeks until the Arnold, my coach and I made the difficult decision to withdraw from the Arnold.  I was heartbroken, but I had to make the best decision under the circumstances.  I had to weigh my options and decide what was the best decision for my long term goals not only in regards to competing but my health and my job.

Once I made the decision regarding the Arnold and St. Louis, it was a bit of a mental relief.  I could take more time to heal and train for Pittsburgh in May and not feel as restricted.  

Since all my travel arrangements were made for both the Arnold and St. Louis I decided to go and support the sport I love and see my fitness friends.  I had a great time at the Arnold, but I did have a tear in my eye during the Pre-Judging for Fitness.  There is always next year!  

Then we come to last weekend in St. Louis.  What a change of events which reinforces my belief in never give up and keep moving forward.  With a positive attitude and hard work good things will happen.  I was planning on having a nice relaxing weekend supporting my fitness friends, when on Friday I was convinced to compete Saturday in the Physique division.  I was pretty lean as I was dieting for both the Arnold and St. Louis and was in the middle of prep for Pittsburgh.  After much consultation with my coach Tracey Greenwood, the decision was made to compete.  A quick adjustment to my diet; Derek Portaria getting me flank steak; Daniel Delikat cutting my music; Sara Hurrle practicing posing with me; a suit rental from Tamee Marie; a coat of tan and great make-up by J Zubire I was stage ready well as good as could be expected with less than a days notice.  

I had such a blast getting on stage and to earn 2nd place was incredible.  The opportunity to compete was such a blessing and it would not have been possible if I had not kept my focus and determination in light of my injuries.  It has been such a relief to know my training and dieting since December had not gone to waste.  I would also like to thank Jack and Ann Titone for putting on and organizing a great competition.  If it wasn’t for their support of Fitness and Physique I would not have been in St. Louis.

I now have an entirely new option that I had not even considered before SIphone 11-6-11 262t. Louis.  The Physique division allows me to compete while I continue to heal and hopefully compete again in Fitness.  Who knows what the future holds; is it Physique, Fitness or both?  “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” - Seneca

So that was a little bit about me as far as competing goes.  As for future blog posts, I would like to focus on balancing life…mind, body and spirit and those that have inspired me.  I would like to highlight stories of other competitors as well as non competitors  that look to us for inspiration.  Truly those individuals are the ones that inspire me to work so hard.

Visit my website at www.apprimefit.com and feel free to e-mail me with inspirational stories whether they are yours personally or someone you know to michelle@apprimefit.com
Be Fit,

Michelle Blank

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