Candice Keene Catches Us Up On Her Offseason..........
Hey guys!
It’s been awhile since I last blogged. It’s amazing how fast time goes by, doesn’t it!? I mean, the Arnold is already 13 weeks away! I am starting my diet next Monday when I get back to Florida from my vacation. I have been in my hometown of Phoenix since the Monday after Nationals. 13 whole days! I love coming out here every year for Thanksgiving. Each year I would come for a week, but a week is just not long enough! So, I decided to come for two weeks this time:) It didn’t interrupt my semester because I am doing online classes, so it worked out perfect! Plus, I wanted extra time to spend with my niece, who is now 6 months..super cute! Next time I see her, she will be 1. I have been spending my time visiting friends and family, schoolwork, and working out of course. Oh! And one more thing!..enjoying some good food.
I have included some pics from Nationals and my vaca. I have thought about moving back one day in the future..once my business, ProCakez, is more established and has grown more. Speaking of ProCakez, Nationals was a successful weekend for ProCakez sales! I am bringing LOTS to the Arnold so be sure to contact me if you would like to order any:) Also, I am teaming up with the one and only, Iron Asylum’s Jerry Beck, in 2012 for Fit Chick Candice Keene collection! They will be sold at the Fit Chick booth at the Arnold. Can’t wait to see them! He does Amazing work!
So most of the time when I blog, my blogs would normally consist of how my prep is going at that particular time, or about topics that are beneficial in achieving goals, etc. To finish this blog up, I want to share a few things about myself so you guys can get to know a little bit about me:)
Where to start..well, I am a Texas born and lived there until I was 8. Then, I moved to North Dakota for around a year and a half then down to Phoenix, AZ. I call AZ my home because I spent my pre-adolescent, my teen years, and my early 20s there. Then, off to the east coast in 2005! I didn’t really start going to gym until 2005. I never was into sports in high school, so as I grew older I slowly grew towards my path I am on today. I have experienced and overcame many adversities, for many years. 2008 is the year that everything changed for me: I found ME, my passion for fitness, having the strength and courage to move forward, and discovered the path I am meant to go on. I am still growing, learning, and experiencing many things. That is why life is so amazing. You can DO anything or BE anything you want.
August 2008 is when I approached my trainer, Jamie Ibone, to do a show (at 7 weeks out). I took overall, went to Nationals 2 weeks later and earned my Pro Card!! Unforgettable Moment! Since then, I have been competing consistently. I love it! My ultimate goal is to be Numero Uno, but just to improve progressively each time is satisfaction for me! J Since my first show, I have been a go-getter. Love to set goals! Also, I have been a busy lil bee! I have been going to school full time as well. So, juggling it all can be a little challenging, but where’s the fun if there’s no challenge, right? ;-)
I am soo looking forward to 2012!! I have a great feeling about next year. Not only for competing, but with ProCakez as well:)
So, if you have any ideas or would like me to write about something in particular, just send me a message on Facebook.
Until Next Time!!
Xoxo CK
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