

Debbie Bramwell. . . The Power and the Passion!

With this year's IFBB New York Pro just days away I thought it was time I finally caught up with one of the sports favorite female bodybuilders, Debbie Bramwell. Currently on view In the Iron Asylum , Debbie has made significant improvements to her physique since the last time we saw her Deb6on stage and conventional wisdom says she should place very highly come May 8th.  While I will leave the predictions to the more qualified experts, I will dare to say that, in my humble opinion, Debbie will crack the top 5!

Debbie is one of those women who always has a smile on her face and something positive to say about life...an attitude that, along with her impressive physique, has taken her a long way in the sport and left an impression on the hearts of many. So just how did she find herself involved in the sport of bodybuilding and was she always so confident and positive?

The time had arrived to find out more about the power and the passion that drives Debbie Bramwell towards achieving her goals. But first, let's take a little time out to do a quick background check...


So Debbie...I have read that sports were a big part of your life when you were growing up, can you tell us a little about that?

"I was very athletic growing up. I basically tried everything but liked Softball, track and volleyball the best. I also remember as a child excelling in fitness tests - which goes to show genetics play a huge part in our athletic abilities and in the building of an exceptional physique."


What do you think your involvement in athletic pursuits did for you on an emotional level?

"When I was young playing sports was something I enjoyed doing. I think it is a positive way to spend your time. However, on an emotional level, the change really came as a result of my work in the area of personal growth and development. When I trained my mind to think differently my world changed. The power of the mind is everything. It can make or break you."


Can you remember when you were first exposed to bodybuilding and was this the moment you also decided to become involved in the sport?

"I saw my first bodybuilding magazine at my ex's house and thought it was fascinating. He took me to my first bodybuilding show but at that time I never imagined getting on stage. It wasn't until much later and being talked into it (over and over... lol!) that I decided to do a show."

In your opinion, what type of person is attracted to bodybuilding? Deb2

"People who are driven, focused and love to be challenged. This sport attracts perfectionists and motivated goal setters. It embraces people who aren't afraid to be different and, of course, people who love to train..."


Do you think that for some the sport of bodybuilding is almost a ‘healing tool' for certain emotional challenges?

"I have heard many stories about how bodybuilding has made a positive impact on the lives of those who choose to become involved in it. So, with that in mind, I would definitely say it could be considered as a healing tool."


In your own case, and now that you have been involved in the sport for many years, what do you feel you were looking to gain from becoming a bodybuilder on a mental level?

"I love to be challenged and set personal goals. I reprogrammed my mind doing personal growth work and that's where my personal power comes from. Bodybuilding helped me build my physique but I believe the mental part comes from all the work I have done which has ranged from books and seminars to videos and CD programs".


Deb7I believe that your greatest source of inspiration when it came to taking it to the competitive level was the Tony Robbins ‘Personal Power' program....how did that impact your life?

"I have always been into personal growth work and have read book after book and attended many seminars to improve myself on emotional/mental and spiritual levels. I did the Tony Robbins 30 day program in 1996 and totally reprogrammed my mind. I decided to enter my first show to conquer my fear of being up in front of people and to improve physically. It wasn't even about being a bodybuilder it was more about stepping out of my comfort zone and setting a personal goal."


Turning from the emotional/spiritual to the physical...how easy was it for you to gain muscle in the early days?

"I have to say that I am one of the lucky ones...I put on muscle pretty easily. I was also lucky to meet the right people to help guide me with proper eating and proper training technique. I had little biceps from day one!  I have to say that genetics do play a huge role in a bodybuilder's success..."


What were your weakest body parts back then and how did you go about improving them?

"I would say back and legs. I really didn't like training legs for a long time because, let's face it, it is HARD work! That being said, I actually love training legs now. I prefer to have a training partner push me further and that allows me to use more weight. I have always believed in full range of motion for legs. I see many people doing half reps which aren't going to help build good legs.

"As for my back, it took a while for me to learn how to feel my muscles work during back training but now I would say it is my favorite muscle group to train. There's nothing like a good back pump! I will admit that it is still the body part I need to work on in but it has improved. I have short arms so it is more of a struggle to build. I focus on stretching it out as well as contracting it for each rep. I have a new training partner and gym coach now and we are doing things I have never done before so I expect my back to be much better this Debyear."


How do you split up your body during the course of an off-season training week?

"Last off season I decided to train 4 days a week using the following split:

Monday: chest/bis

Tuesday: legs

Thursday: shoulders/tris

Friday: back


Do you favor heavy/low rep or higher rep work?

"I am now doing a  keto diet and use heavier weight for lower reps. When I was on higher carbs I did higher reps."


In terms of diet, how do you break up your macro-nutrients and what supplements do you add?

"I am following Dave's keto diet (which you can find on his RX thread) I am currently on a 3 days no fat/ 1 day fat rotation. In terms of supplements I use ‘Isolyze' (whey isolate), ‘Somalyze' (nighttime fat burner), ‘Lipolyze' (daytime fat burner), ‘Omegalyze' (essential fatty acids), ‘Fiberlyze' (dual fiber supplement), ‘Arthrolyze' (joint repair)-- all from Species Nutrition; Juice Plus+ (fruit and vegetable extracts), Calcium/magnesium, and a multi-vitamin."


Deb5Going into the NY Pro....it is a pretty tough line up this year....do you feel this intimidating on any level or does it inspire you even more?

"I am fired up and believe I will do well in NY. I am only worried about me and what I bring to that stage. I am very happy with how I look... so look for me in that first call out!"

What sort of mental approach to you take with you into a competition?

"I believe my mental outlook is my strong point. I am very positive and always have a good mindset. I love prep time and working hard so when I show up in NY I will be ready to have fun! I visualize the end result DebbieBand feel my success before I get there.  However, above all else, I always enjoy the journey which is the most important part; the rest is the icing on the cake for me."

In your own personal experience what would you say is the greatest gift you have received from your participation in the sport?

"I could think of so many great gifts bodybuilding has given me but the most important one is the people I have met. This sport has lined me up with many incredible people. The most important one being my husband. We met in Vegas at the USA show and have now been happily married one year."

Finally...how can people contact you?


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