Aloe Vera has a long history of use as a natural healing substance with both oral intake and topical application being extremely effective when it comes to facilitating the healing of any kind of skin wound, burn or scald - even speeding the recovery time after surgery. In fact modern use was first documented in the 1930's when it was used to heal radiation burns. It was also used after the 2nd World War to aid victims of the fallout in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. In this instance the victims treated with Aloe Vera displayed signs of increased tissue growth and reduced pain where other medications failed to produce results.
JoJo Energy Drinks Team Up With Rxmuscle!
Big Dave Palumbo has been touting JoJo Energy Drinks on Heavy Muscle Radio for weeks, and now they've officially signed on as sponsor of the to-be-built television studio in Dave's new warehouse. I was quite intrigued that Dave would associate with any energy product, as he usually assumes an anti-stimulant stance for bodybuilders. JoJo was kind enough to ship me a handful of bottles for testing, and let me assure you I'm an instant fan.
Carbing-up for the week
Nearing the end of week 1 of our latest try at serious ketogenic dieting, Anne and I continue to experiment and learn. Should we even have a carb meal after one week, or must we wait until the second week ends? What does and doesn't make the biggest difference? And why is not drinking red wine giving me so much grief?
Anne and I are entertained by something Dave Palumbo often says in his Q&A thread on the forum. Recently a questioner was complaining that, while on Dave's diet, he would wake up in the middle of the night starved and frustrated that he couldn't eat. He wanted to know what his options were, and we knew what was coming:
Dave's answer contained the magic phrase "Deal with it!" Tough love handed out to dieters, Dave Palumbo-style. Nobody said it was easy, and Dave always says it like it is.
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