I'm a longtime admirer of Tate, so I come to this review of his manual with a certain pre-conceived notion that it's bound to be an effective and instructive book. And it is; let me tell you a few reasons why.
Tate sets out to teach lifters how to become better competitive bench pressers; there is no bodybuilding aspect to his Bench Press Manual, and he doesn't pretend otherwise. Gritty photographs taken inside the legendary Westside Barbell Club workout area set the tone. These remarkable black & white pics make me sweat, and feel like I should be training right now.
Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is an amino acid that is actually classified as a neurotransmitter. It functions like a natural tranquilizer by taking up residence in the nerve receptor sites in the brain which are normally reserved for stress and anxiety. In this respect it is highly regarded and frequently used in the treatment of panic/anxiety attacks and as a sleep enhancer. However, this remarkable substance has so much more to offer than just assisting you in obtaining a good night's sleep. Here are just a few of the benefits to be gained from the regular use of this supplement:
"Guhhhh... uhhhhhh... EWWWWW!!!" To my right, about thirty feet away, a group of four or five younger lifters mimic his grunts in a purposefully exaggerated manner.
The curler to my left continues to chase his pump, the grin on the corners of his mouth being kept from breaking into a laugh by sheer force of will, each grunt being dramatically echoed as the reps are added up. His set extends beyond where it might otherwise have terminated. The gym spotlight is on him and his rep is on the line.
Indeed it does. Lots more. Eventually, you'll accept that fact and fold up the ab roller-rocker-slider-cruncher thing and toss it under the bed. Twenty years of hanging out in some of the world's most hard-core gyms has revealed the definitive, foolproof method of finding and keeping your abs. But you won't find any of this information contained in that stupid video that came with that dust-collecting contraption. This is the culmination of many tried and true paths to abdominal development followed by many of the world's best bodybuilders in the gyms around Venice, Calif. These guys held titles like Mr. Universe and Mr. America, or were various NPC and IFBB champions. All of them, and those who followed, owned the distinction of having killer abs. This is how they did it. This is what has evolved into the proven path to abdominal enlightenment- impressive development devoid of body fat. This is the truth.
JOJO Update:
Peter Scalise III of JoJo Energy Drinks tells me they've already tweaked the drink formulation since my write-up last week. They are now 100% calorie-fee, sugar-free and carb-free, yet the taste is unchanged. Labels for the bottles are being changed right now.
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