As athletes we are constantly being bombarded with ads for the ‘latest and greatest' new supplements. It seems that not a month goes by without some new ‘super product' being announced that is guaranteed to boost muscle growth, increase testosterone levels and enhance your energy levels. However, in the midst of all the frenzy, some ‘old school' nutrients slip by completely unnoticed and are given little or no attention as all the focus is placed on the ‘next great thing'. One such nutrient is Chlorella and it deserves your attention for a number of reasons.
Shawn Phillips was a wonderful guest on Heavy Muscle Radio last week. His stories about the founding days of EAS, the supplement biz of the ‘90s, "Muscle Media 2000" magazine, the personalities involved, and his philosophies of fitness and nutrition were entertaining and answered many questions I've had for years. It was riveting to hear the behind-the-scenes story of the sale of EAS, how the brand became so deeply involved with the NFL, and how EAS operated.
In bodybuilding, biceps are, without a doubt, the favorite bodypart for most of us to train. They tend to respond well to training for 90% of us, due to their strong neural pathways and above average blood supply, which almost guarantee muscle pumps. Not only do they respond well to training, but there is no other muscle that tends to be showcased by lifters. The wow factor of big, shapely arms cannot be overlooked, whether on the beach, on the bodybuilding stage or straining under a well-tailored suit.
I have an assignment for everyone reading this column: March to your local Vitamin Shoppe store and search the shelves for ALR Industries products. Odds are you'll only find a couple of Author's labels anywhere. The good news is, every Vitamin Shoppe has a corporate account with ALR through their regional buyer; and individual store managers can request specific products. If you form a friendly relationship with the manager, you can ask him or her to request Chain'd Out.
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