Many of you will recognize the name GAT since the infamous Derek Anthony is their spokesperson. It's time to give them their due credit as a top supplement company with a full line of products. Charles Moser has been at the helm for a decade, recently changing the name of his company from German American Technologies to the snappier GAT.
Although forced into retirement ten years ago by a genetic disease (ulcerative colitis), Mike Francois still has a strong following in a sport known for its short memory. Some may attribute his popularity to his meteoric rise - winning the Nationals on his second attempt and then dominating in his first three pro shows, including a decisive victory over Flex Wheeler
at the 1995 Arnold Classic.
If you are not familiar with Westside Barbell or the revolutionary training techniques pioneered by the club's founder Louie Simmons, here is a quick primer:
Westside Barbell is named after a famous (perhaps the first) powerlifting gym in Culver City, California during the sixties, which was when the sport was first being solidified from what was often called the "Odd Lifts." While Olympic lifting was the popular iron sport of the time, powerlifting utilized "slow lifts" that were popularly practiced in the gym. Over time, this evolved into the three core lifts of the squat, bench press and deadlift.
Taurine is often referred to as a ‘conditionally essential' nutrient since the body is able to synthesize it from the amino acids methionine and cysteine. In order for this process to be executed there also has to be a sufficient amount of vitamin B6 present. The fact that Taurine is often overlooked when it comes to putting together a supplement plan makes it even more worthy of our attention. In fact, supplementing with Taurine can have a valuable impact on not only your training, but also your overall health.
The training of bodybuilders and powerlifters varies widely - in particular when it comes to the value of deadlifting. This is unfortunate because most bodybuilders would benefit greatly from the type of heavy pulls that Ronnie Coleman and Mike Francois have used to build their impressive physiques.
Sadly, most bodybuilders rely on two to three quick sets of hyperextensions as their sole spinal erector and hip movement. The hip is the largest joint in the body. When one considers the amount of muscle that crosses the posterior half of the hip joint (gluteus maximus, spinal erector, hamstrings) as well as the muscles which articulate along the length of the spine and their potential for strength, these sleepy-eyed, half-assed hypers truly seem pathetic.
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