
Over-Training: The Number One Detriment To Real Gains In Mass & Strength

Everybody has heard it at some time or another "You're over training! That's why you're not making serious gains". But, do we understand what it means? I mean really understand what it means? Once you understand how to keep your body fresh and free from over training, you'll make some serious mass/strength gains.


Greg Plitt Armed Workout Preview Video - GregPlitt.com


They say if it is not broken, don't fix it. Well, if it could be better, it is as good as broken." Get Armed for life as Greg leads you through a punishing arm workout guaranteed to unleash the growth while arming you with the mental toughness to blast through the obstacles life throws at you. True champions aren't satisfied with what is and never apologize for improving themselves. Complete this grueling arm workout and, not only will your biceps, triceps, and forearms explode with growth, but you'll build the confidence of a champion to take on the world.


IIFYM vs. Traditional Bodybuilding Diet

DietsYou've might have heard about this dieting technique on the boards, and if you haven't I will explain it. IIFYM stands for IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS. It has become very popular in the natural bodybuilding scheme of contest prep. I'm seeing more and more people catching on to this dieting method and using it in their own contest prep diets.


Balanced Blood Sugar Levels For New Fat-Free Muscle Mass

balance-scale-253x300Nutrition is sort of like a symphony. That is, getting bigger never boils down to "just one thing" like eating tons of protein or overdosing on maltodextrin or vitargo in the over-emphasized "post training window."


I Survived Training With Mr Intensity or Insanity Steve Michalik!

Michalik"Intensity or Insanity", this moniker coined by John Defendis and training method developed by Steve Michalik, has been written about, debated and misunderstood since its creation 40 years ago. In their day, the exploits of Michalik and his "Monster", Defendis, were legendary.


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