Alpha Lipoic Acid 101
What is it?
Since it was first isolated in the early 1950’s Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) has proven to be a unique compound capable of producing a myriad of health and physique enhancing benefits. Typically a vitamin or antioxidant is classified as being either fat or water soluble.
Dietary Fat for the Bodybuilder
“Fat” has been a dirty word in nutrition for years. Research in the 70s and 80s linking dietary fat to obesity and heart disease sparked the “fat is evil” movement and health groups starting urging the public to indiscriminately cut the fat from their diets.The food industry has obliged by concocting low fat and fat free versions of just about everything.
"The Dos and Don'ts of Social Media in Bodybuilding"
By Louis Uridel
A Guide to being a Sponsored Athlete
“The Entitled Athlete vs the Deserving Athlete”
Balancing Cardio Training and Diet-induced Weight Loss
Many physique athletes take things to extremes. Dieting and training are no exception. Too often you’ll see an athlete performing hours upon hours of cardio and/or reducing calories to half of what they consumed in the off season in an attempt to get super lean. It sometimes seems to become a contest of who can suffer the most.
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