My passion is nutrition and Rx Muscle readers, IFBB Pros and my colleagues know that. Typically, I don’t write too much about training because I find nutrition so much more interesting. Joe Weider, in the late 1980’s, told me to keep writing nutrition articles – so I did. I knew Joe wouldn’t “give me the wrong advices.” He always wanted to save training articles for the IFBB Pros to write. It was for those two reasons you rarely saw a training article written by me. Joe knew that the public wanted the big-time bodybuilders to explain how they grow and lift that heavy-ass weight; while people like me delivered the diet stuff. He always used to tell me, “Chris, explain the stuff to the readers in a way that they can understand it. Pretend you are talking to kindergarteners”
If you have heard Dave and I ramble on Heavy Muscle Radio, you know I am a fan of the show, The Apprentice. As much as I may love the show, I have to admit that I thought the Trumpster was an idiot to have questioned Obama’s birth certificate. Ultimately, Obama produced it and Trump tried to save face by making outlandish claims. What he said was so dumb, I deleted it from my memory. Regardless, he looked like a goof. My favorite season of The Apprentice was the season that featured a team of “book smart” individuals against “street smart” people. It was a classic match-up, university education versus street education. The goal was to discover who was more business savvy, those who have learned about business or those who have lived business.
There are several alternative avenues of treatment that offer relief from many recurrent or lingering musculoskeletal issues other than mainstream medical treatments. The following is a list of alternative treatments that have specific benefits to individuals carrying above average amounts of muscle mass.
Extreme dieting is where a bodybuilder tries to get in shape as fast as possible, in the shortest time frame possible. There is no instance where I recommend extreme dieting. For maximum muscle retention, it's always best to take a patient and longer approach to dieting. It is for this reason that I advocate the 12-14 week contest prep. The longer you take to drop weight, the more body fat you will lose and the more muscle mass you will retain. However, for many reasons, bodybuilders occasionally have to get in shape in a very short period of time
Ripped to the bone, peeled, cut up and shredded. These are all different labels to describe the ultimate goal in bodybuilding; to discard unwanted body fat while maintaining the most muscle mass possible. The foundation upon which contests are won is the mantra of the caloric deficit. Of course, this deficit is caused by training, cardio and eating less calories. Every bodybuilder has figured that out. However, the caveat that most bodybuilders miss is that just watching calories or following the same diet all the time eventually fails. Plateaus are stubborn roadblocks where body fat seems to cling no matter how hard you train, diet or restrict calories/carbs. It is not if, but when a plateau will occur and this is undoubtedly one of the most frustrating parts of contest prep. Speaking from experience, when people hit a plateau, fat loss stalls and people usually freak out and abandon the plan
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