Now that I have your attention with my provocative article title, let me elaborate as to what I mean when I say "get on your knees". And, no, this article is not about gay for pay again. Get your minds out of the gutter. For some exercises, people can execute them standing or seated; examples of this are, dumbbell curls, lateral raises and front raises.
Gay for pay is as prevalent in the bodybuilding community as protein powder. I get a lot of questions about how prominent being propositioned for acts up to and including sex are. Frankly, there are a lot of rumors and stories that float around the industry and I've heard my fair share. What many people don't realize is that it fairly prevalent and, in addition to that, the requests are a lot weirder than you would care to know. Ever see something you can't "unsee"? A lot of those requests I've heard are requests I can't "unhear"
Ever since I started training athletes, I have been observing and studying their unique biomechanics, form, and exercise execution; and there is one reoccurring issue I see with every single one of these bodybuilders.
To begin, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and all the best in the coming year. I'd also like to thank all of you for taking the time to read my stuff and for all the positive comments I have received. It's nice to know that there are everyday gym rats and professional bodybuilders out there reading my articles.
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