
The Kovacian: My First Experience with Competition Judging!

ThinkingIf anyone knows anything about Kovacs, it's that Kovacs lives and breathes bodybuilding. I was thinking about amateur bodybuilding in Canada and I realized that I wanted to stay in touch with the young athlete's coming up the ranks. I was contemplating what I could do to stay connected and I decided to attend a local bodybuilding show this past weekend and test-judge as an Ontario Physique Association (OPA) Judge.


The Kovacian: The Women of Titus!

titus-ryanTo recap from last week, I told a little story about some punk's face being introduced to the back of Craig Titus' hand at a Niagara strip club. After our little adventure at that strip club, I decided that it would be best to keep Craig away from anywhere like that for the remainder of his stay. The following morning rolled around and both Craig and I were sporting massive headaches. I mean, what do you expect? I was out partying with Craig Titus. The man can drink. Anyway, we were sitting eating a massive breakfast and Craig started getting into telling me how he had a few comeback opportunities on the horizon


The Kovacian: My Misadventures with Craig Titus!

craig_titus-228x300It was 1996; I had just won my pro card and was invited to do a photo shoot at Gold's Gym, Venice. This was when I first met Craig Titus. During my early years as an IFBB Pro, I became close friends with Titus and it's something not many people know about. Craig and I found common ground to forge our friendship because we both turned pro that same year. After we had met, Craig and I kept in touch with a couple phone calls here and there. Out of nowhere, I found out that he was going to be taking a little vacation to "Club Fed" (that's federal prison for those of you who might not know). His little stay over there came with the ultimate shitty door prize, losing his Met-RX contract and being ostracized from the industry


The Kovacian: The Weekend I Won the Canadian Nationals- Part 2

n683941707_149401_1478To continue from Part One, my article ended with all the drama leading up to the weigh-ins at the Canadian Nationals. For Part Two, I will introduce a new character to my odyssey - a bodybuilding icon - Lonnie "The Swami" Teper. Yes, Lonnie was the guest MC for the Canadian Nationals that year. Even after many, many, many years; he's still got the same electrifying stage presence.


The Kovacian: One Rep Good; Three Reps Better!

ThinkingI am a freak of super size and strength. I wasn't just another kid who lifted weights in his parent's basement. People always ask me when I realized that I was "different". . . and I can narrow it down to one bench press contest at a local gym. It was in that Niagara Falls weight pit that a story was forged that has almost become the stuff of urban legends and folklore.


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