THE TRAINING ROOM (Training Tips & Programs)

Think Foundation. LEGS!

I'm sure you all have heard the sayinglegs that you build a house from the ground up. To many times I've seen top heavy guys in the gym wearing tank tops and long pants. Guess what, they are not making a fashion statement they are covering up those chicken legs. Their work out routine usually consists of chest, arms, back, shoulders and repeat. What happened to the legs guys? Is NPC Men's Physique promoting this type of behavior? Well, the way it was explained to me was that it was a way to separate us from the Body Builders. I say this to you upper body only work out warriors, I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see shorter shorts in next years competitors in an attempt to add additional judging criteria. So I'm going to give you a basic routine to add some size to those sticks you call legs...


Splitting Up Your Ab Routine

I think we can relate to getting in an awesomeAbs2 pump at the gym. Training those delts and tris. Nailing those legs. Hitting all those big body parts that look so good in the mirrors. Now, we all know the importance of abs, their structural relevance to our bodies, and the way they make us look. We also know that, oftentimes, by the end of our lift, we don't want to spend that 10 minutes doing crunches and twists. This may not be true for everyone, but it is for me. One can achieve stellar abs by just doing cardio and losing the pounds. However, to properly tighten the core and strengthen that midsection, you need to make sure to incorporate those many ab exercises we read about on a daily basis. My suggestion, is to super set abs between your exercises. It gives the athlete an opportunity to nail out his/her abdominals without saving it for the bitter end when it gets boring and tedious. So, try a leg press set and go right to hanging straight leg raises on a chin up bar. Or any exercise for that matter. By the end of your workout, you'll have completed everything and won't even remember that you did 10 sets of abs. You'll be ready to shower up and go pound that protein. Try it! You'll like it.

Rossano Rea,CPT

Secret to Giant Calves

I get asked a lot what the secret is to my calves.calves I always tell people that everything starts with genetics. If you don’t have the best genetics for calves then you may have to get creative or just work a little harder. I don’t have the best genetics, but I don’t have the worst either. There is no right or wrong way to work calves. I have clients that work them once a week and they grow and then I have clients that need to work them twice a week. The key to giant calves is hard work and finding the right combination to spur them to grow. Here is one workout I have had great success with in building my calves...


Adam Lamb’s Fail-Proof Plan to Great abs!

I would say the most frequently asked questions17 I receive, relate to how I have developed my abs. What diet do I follow? What fat burning supplements do I use, and what exercises do I perform? Well, the general answer is that you develop great abs through hard work, commitment and dedication!


I’m going to give you a plan which can work for everyone to help you get great abs! Please keep in mind when you have a destination in mind, it’s always important to remember where you started and stay focused on the journey. For example, if your goal is to travel to Florida from Alaska, your journey will be longer and more challenging than someone who only needs to travel to Florida from Georgia. The point being, it will take some folks longer than others to reach their destination, so “commitment and dedication” are very important!!


Train Less and Grow More? What???

Through my own research, personal experience, D211and in working with a wide variety of athletes, I frequently talk about different training splits. With other athletes, I have found we have a similar philosophy….whether they are long distance runners, professional mountain bikers, or my favorite bodybuilding/physique athletes. I find the most successful athletes focus on training splits and the appropriate amount of rest between workouts.


For example, the following is the training split I use most often during the off-season. This training schedule helps me add size, works best for me, and I trust it will be helpful for you as well...



Slow Things Down to Speed Up Results

There's no question about it, most people47546_1571136885218_1439385098_31532447_4877399_n you see working out in the gym want to have great abdominal muscles. Achieving a six pack is one of the most sought after goals by individuals of all ages and body types. It's become pretty common knowledge that having and displaying great abdominals is primarily related to your nutrition habits. Although proper training of the abdominals does play an important role as well, so that when you have shed enough body fat for them to be visible there is actually muscle to be seen.

You can go into most gyms and watch people that train their abdominals and a common trend will usually emerge. Abdominals are usually trained with a large number of fast repetitions. I personally believe when it comes to getting great abdominals the old saying couldn't be more true "Quality over quantity." I don't feel that you need to perform sets of 100's of reps to produce quality abdominal muscle. In fact I believe that when you perform high volume sets like that you more often than not tend to actually shift focus away from your abdominals...



The inches we want to lose are everywhere around us…

The number one thing I am ask is for “diet tips” hooded-sweatshirtsecrets of the game. I think most are looking to hear about a magic pill or specific workout that does the trick. Well… neither of them exist. It’s always a matter of balanced diet and proper training. I do however believe we can do a better job at the things we are doing that we don’t sometimes consider as important. Here are a few tips I have my athletes do that have seemed to make a difference in the things they are already doing. The key is “thermogenesis” not to be confused with supplements that contain “thermogenics.” Thermogenesis is directly related to the metabolic rate. When the core temperature of the body is increased, the metabolism is stimulated, which ultimately causes the body to use stored fat cells to support the additional energy output.

Where can this help you in your day to day routine? Here is a short list of ways to implement this in the things you are already doing:



“Strapping IN or Not”

Bodybuilding by definition is just that, building strappedone’s body. On the other hand, Men’s physique is just that a physique contest. While the merits of both can be argued and believe me they have been. I wanted to touch on one aspect of training that may seem small and obscure but speaks volumes when achieving one’s goals in the different divisions of the NPC and IFBB.

Top Amateurs like Dusty Hanshaw and Steve Kuclo use straps because the ability to lift more weight builds more muscle. The equation is really simple, the heavier the weight the more the muscle breaks and the bigger it becomes. Ergo, the structure of a bodybuilder is much different than that of a men’s physique competitor. One aspect is that men’s physique is about overall structure versus bodybuilding is about symmetry and size. To the outsider, there may be little to no difference but to me I found out very quickly the difference...


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