Adam Lamb’s Fail-Proof Plan to Great abs!

I would say the most frequently asked questions17 I receive, relate to how I have developed my abs. What diet do I follow? What fat burning supplements do I use, and what exercises do I perform? Well, the general answer is that you develop great abs through hard work, commitment and dedication!


I’m going to give you a plan which can work for everyone to help you get great abs! Please keep in mind when you have a destination in mind, it’s always important to remember where you started and stay focused on the journey. For example, if your goal is to travel to Florida from Alaska, your journey will be longer and more challenging than someone who only needs to travel to Florida from Georgia. The point being, it will take some folks longer than others to reach their destination, so “commitment and dedication” are very important!!


Diet: Wait to eat your first meal until 45 minutes after morning cardio. Then eat every 2.5-3 hours throughout the day. Drink water only! The following is an example of a training diet which I’ve used. Don’t hesitate to ask me any diet questions at: adam@adamlambfit.com


M1. 6 egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal (measured dry)
M2. 5 oz. Chicken, 1/2 cup white rice, 1 cup broccoli.
M3. 5 oz. Lean ground turkey, 1/2 cup broccoli
M4. Post workout, 60 grams whey protein with water

M5. 8 oz. Chicken breast, salad w/ 1 Tbsp olive oil and vinegar
M6. 45 grams whey protein, 1.5 oz. Walnuts



Supplements: Here is a list of what I take and how I time my supplements.


Upon waking, I take 500 mgs L-carnitine along with 1 serving of my favorite fat burning supplement (Try a few different brands to find which one works best for you.) Then I hit the treadmill in sweat pants and a hoodie for 45 minutes.


About an hour after meal 3 (M3), I take 500 mgs L-carnitine, along with 1 serving of my favorite fat burning supplement.


Before going to bed, after my last cardio session, I take another L-carnitine.



Training: When working to get great abdominal definition, I believe you need to commit to 2 cardio sessions per day. 1.) Right when you wake up for 30 minutes; and 2.) Before bedtime for 30 minutes, making sure you wait 30-45 minutes after your last meal.


When it comes to ab exercises, for the most part, I stick to the basics. I will do 2-3 different ab exercises every other day with 3-4 sets to FAILURE. Some of my favorites are ball crunches, leg/knee raises, rope pull downs and a few different ab machines with minimal weight. Any set less than 15-20 reps is too heavy and can risk thickening your mid section which is not the goal for most people. Email me for additional detailed exercise splits at adam@adamlambfit.com


Get shredded and be excited about doing it!


-Adam Lamb, Competitor and Coach www.adamlambfit.com http://twitter.com/#!/adamlambfit

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