Post Contest Do’s and Dont's

As competitors we spend a ton if not all oamg1our emphasis on pre-contest diet and prep. I rarely hear competitor’s discuss what they are doing after the contest with the exception of pizza, beer, cheeseburgers etc… So in this article I wanted to discuss the importance and safety on how to take care of your body AFTER you have hit the stage. The show is over; whether you won or placed I’m sure you gave your best! Now what? Get some pizza with everybody, slam a 2 liter of Pepsi and get ready to hammer chest on Monday so you have a head start for the next competition? Not exactly the best plan. I definitely believe you need and deserve a cheat meal, but don’t eat the whole pizza, have a few pieces. You were so strict for so long I know you have the will power to do the right thing. Slowly you can bring in one cheat meal every other day but I would recommend sticking to something close to your 2 week out diet with very moderate water intake for the first few days until you feel “normal”. Also watch your sodium, after you have depleted your body so much for so long it will react like a sponge and next thing you know you look like a water logged sausage with blood pressure through the roof and could end up in the hospital! Remember, reward yourself for your diet dedication but don’t destroy the physique you spent months putting together. You may have photo shoot, sponsorship opportunities or just want to look great for longer than the 5 minutes on stage. What about running back to the gym and pounding the weights, and Monday is chest day so you can’t skip that…. Not recommended, your body needs a rest. Most people forget you build muscle while you rest, not while you train. You just took your body through the craziest Roller Coaster in the park and I wouldn’t suggest operating heavy machinery immediately. Take a day or two off the gym completely and then get back on the treadmill you so closely bonded with for months and do about 30 minutes a day for the rest of that first week. Now its chest day/ Monday and you can get after it and will feel great about it. Good luck on your next prep!



- Adam Lamb. For more questions email adamlamb33@hotmail.com www.adamlambfit.com (coming soon)

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