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Scott Siegel's Jailhouse Chronicles #6: Working Out in Federal Prison!

scottWhat the fuck is up, Rx Muscle?! I took a few months off from writing my monthly journal after being transferred from Westchester County Dept. of Corrections to Fort Dix Federal Prison.  My head has been up my ass!  I was depressed and just didn't feel like myself.  I'm not being a pussy or feeling sorry for myself or crying about my situation but I had some family issues going on in the real world.  Of course, being locked up, I have no control over what's happening out in the real world.  It's just really hard when your family has shit going on and you can't there to help.  Believe me, time stands still within these walls but it doesn't stand still for my loved ones.  And it's hard to watch family go through "life" while I'm here unable to help with anything.



Ben White's Journey to the Flex Pro: Final Entry!

BenWhiteAs I wind down to the final week of preparation, I have my extremely important checklist out:

1) DIET √





Chris Aceto's Take on the Upcoming IFBB FLEX Pro!

FlexProIt's that time of year again.  People are asking me what I think about this-or-that bodybuilder, how I think they'll place, and what they need to do to improve.  This line of questioning seems to be lot more prevalent in my life when the bodybuilding contest season approaches and 2011 is no different.  With anticipation at an all-time high for the season-opening IFBB Flex Pro on February 19th, I felt it was my duty to give you my pre-contest blow-by-blow of the competitors and, finally, to speculate on where they may eventually place.


"Just Men" at the 2011 LA Fit Expo!

BC_40746On January 28th, The NPC Ironman Naturally kicked off the 2011 competitive physique season; a season that promises to see in a tremendous expansion of the National Physique Committee (NPC) as we know it.  This year, we'll see the addition of a Womens Physique and Mens Physique Division.  While Womens Physique will add back a little "muscle and conditioning" to the current Figure class, Mens Physique will do just the opposite; it'll remove the extreme size, ultra conditioning, and posing round from Mens Bodybuilding. While many people have already outwardly criticized Mens Physique as being a terrible thing to happen to bodybuilding competitions, I think just the opposite.


Ben White's Journey to the 2011 Flex Pro- Journal #3

BenWhite4With 2 weeks to go till the FLEX Pro, I've begun my purification process.  Every evening I light a huge bonfire in my backyard, do some Indian chants and incantations, and I channel my Indian spirits (ed note: Ben believes that all black people have a little Indian blood in them). Just last night, while in the backyard, as the sweat trickled down my face and I gazed through the beads of water that dripped from my eyebrows, I had a premonition!  The Showstopper has been reborn!



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