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Written by huge285
On January 28
th, The NPC Ironman Naturally kicked off the 2011 competitive physique season; a season that promises to see in a tremendous expansion of the National Physique Committee (NPC) as we

know it. This year, we'll see the addition of a Womens Physique and Mens Physique Division. While Womens Physique will add back a little "muscle and conditioning" to the current Figure class, Mens Physique will do just the opposite; it'll remove the extreme size, ultra conditioning, and posing round from Mens Bodybuilding. While many people have already outwardly criticized Mens Physique as being a terrible thing to happen to bodybuilding competitions, I think just the opposite. I believe that within 1 year, Mens Physique might, in fact, outperform bodybuilding at some of the local and regional shows. Let's face it, the Mens Physique "look" is much more attainable to the average guy on the street. It'll, for certain, be a breeding ground for top male models and potential Hollywood movie stars. Dare I be so bold, it might even bring in top commercial sponsors such as NIKE, Adidas, and Apple? Now that's good news for physique athletes looking for endorsement contracts and mainstream media positions.
To kick off the 2011 competitive season, we at Rx Muscle decided to dedicate an entire gallery of photos to "JUST MEN" of the LA Fit Expo. These male physique athletes, who both worked at, or merely attended, as fans the tremendous 2-day fitness expo, could conceivably be the Mens Physique stars of the future! Is there a potential Mr Physique Olympia Champion in this group of fantastic Bill Comstock photos? Only time will tell!
"JUST MEN" at the LA Fit Expo GALLERY

Dave Palumbo with 19 year old twins Andrew and Louie Giacomin |
Enjoying the Expo |
Identical twins Chad and Christopher Crouse |
Steve Cook; Bodyspace Spokesperson Champion |