
What Do the Pros Take?

Many of you wonder; many of you ask; but why doesn't anyone really know? It's such a powerful question because the top guys are so over the top that you just can't imagine the standard training and performance-enhancing fare we are all privy to can produce the physiques that comprise the very zenith of bodybuilding? I mean, if it was, we would all look like that, right? Could it be possible we're just talking test and tren here?  Nahhh.... Couldn't be.  It has to be something else, right?


I Paid For a Whole Seat!

I was boarding a non-stop flight from Florida to LA.  I found my row, and stuffed into the window seat was a woman who had to weigh at least 350.  Her heft was only eclipsed by her 450 pound husband sitting next to her in the center seat. Without exaggerating an inch, at least 1/3 of my isle seat was obliterated by the prodigious ass of chubby hubby.  Not only was his huge ass taking up a good portion of my seat, but he had insolently pulled the arm rest up so the rest of his mass could ooze out into my allotted space.


The Body Counts: Girls Love Muscle!

Many times over the course of the years that I have been involved in bodybuilding I've invariably come to debate the issue of what all these muscles are for? Throughout this debate, especially today, I find myself continually having to preface my position.  My argument is not in favor of the physiques showcased  on a bodybuilding stage at the professional level. A handful of guys look like that, and the reason they do is because of an amalgam of genetics, determination, knowledge, focus and drive beyond mortal men


Smoking Rooms-- Modern Day Death Chambers!

Airports in the US  are "non-smoking" facilities. However, in order to keep all the nicotine addicts happy and as fairly treated as the alcoholics, many airports have installed smoking lounges-- they're usually next to a bar where they sell the next most popular, legal, deadly drug to the next biggest group of addicts in our country.  I'm sure you've all seen them - little glass booths about 10 feet wide and 20 feet long with rows of chairs around the perimeter and one down the center interspersed with big overstuffed sand ash trays; a powerful ventilation system; and hordes of smokers packed inside like cordwood haplessly puffing away in a dense cloud of highly carcinogenic smoke.


The Downside of Juice!

durabol_front"Roid Rage is not a clinical term. There are no peer reviewed studies that have been published in a prestigious medical journal that conclude episodic rage is caused by exogenous androgens. While respected clinicians will not agree with the charge, "respected" journalists have made names for themselves with the trumped up term.  Geraldo, Nancy Grace, Bill O'Reilly, and their ilk, trumpeted their message from the peaks of media mountains: On CNN, FOX, ABC, MSNBC, even ESPN, some authoritative voice could be heard feeding the camera lines that would instantly become the truth when they came out the other end on TV - "roid rage, from the illegal use of anabolic steroids, caused so-and-so to do such-and-such....." In reality, we know that the charges are not true. But it doesn't matter. In this game, steroids are bay-ud, mmmmm-kay?


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