
Life On Test: The Worst Part of Your Teen Years All Over Again!

I vividly remember being 13.  Not because I got a new Honda 50, or was allowed to ride the train home by myself for the first time, or got invited to a party that wasn't a birthday, or any of the other cool things associated with finally becoming a teenager.  No, while all that was indeed noteworthy, 13 was a pivotal age because it was the year I found out what to do with all those pesky little erections I was getting. A kid at school told me about this thing his big brother taught him to do, and I went home and tried it.  That winter was a busy one


Steroids and Some Things Just Don't Mix!

There is more than one school of thought regarding the downside of steroid use. While we know the exaggerated claims of horrific death and disease are largely a hoax; we cannot deny that for some people, there is an undeniable effect to their psyche.  It can be as good as it can be bad, but we will ultimately only hear of the times the cops came.  That being the case, I can't help but admire our community for keeping such a tight lid on the outward manifestations of using high doses of testosterone. While a jacked meathead with a bad attitude is dangerous as hell, we as a community are quite congenial.


Injections Free of Pain with Lidocaine!

Since I posted my last Dan Duchaine article, I've been flooded with requests for more stories about the guru or something from his bag of tricks.  When I remembered this little gem I just had to share it with you. Now, what I'm about to discuss here is by no means new; it's one of those little things that can slip by because we assume everyone already knows it. As basic as this little protocol is, I'll bet there are a bunch of you that never heard of it. And just as many who will be grateful for it because the old saying "no pain, no gain," is not always true.  Sometimes pain can just be a pain, and if you can get around it, why not?


Enough Questions; Go Train!

The most commonly asked question I ever get is, "does ____work?" I wish I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that question by a guy looking for the answer. From this or that supplement; to this or that drug; to this or that training method; high-carb or low-carb; high intensity, low intensity; for every possible machination of bodybuilding, someone has asked me for my opinion. Do I look like I know?  I'm only five-nine, 205! I just like to train. So, for the most part, I really don't care if the subtle nuances in this great big thing we practice make that much of a difference.  I just do what I like and whatever doesn't aggravate my injuries.


My Friend Dan Duchaine

When he first coined that little phrase, he might well have been referring to a big, veiny muscled chick, or perhaps a post-op transsexual, or a dwarf -  even then nothing would have surprised me. But, really, he was talking about recumbent bikes, of which his particular design looked like it was destined to be the guru's next claim to fame. He was also intrigued with, and well informed about, high-end audio equipment that was as intricate and precise as it was insanely expensive. He designed his own pair of complex multi-chambered speakers and had them custom built specifically to enhance every invisible nuance that made an angry lesbian -  his favorite brand of performer.


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