
Ronnie Coleman: A Bodybuilder's Bodybuilder!

ronnieHaving eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman on Heavy Muscle Radio tonight was indeed an honor.  However, the impact it had on me didn't occur until after I listened to the show.  It made me feel good to listen to the Big Nasty feel at home with Dave and me, just shooting the shit about bodybuilding. I couldn't really tell during the taping, but afterward it was readily apparent that Ronnie was unimpressed with how many people might be listening; he was just happy to be here.  And even though I was listening to us, I was still drawn in.  I think Dave and I will always attract a star-studded line up for HMR, but it was this show with Ronnie that I'll cherish in my mind for a long, long, time. 


Muscle Girl Follow-Up

Last night, in discussing our new women's radio show, Muscle Girls Inc.- hosted by Colette Nelson and Krissy Chin- I commented that I felt the female contingent of our community was not being served.  Almost immediately, I was taken to task by a website that is purportedly serving the women competitors. I guess I better discuss this further and expound upon what I mean by "served" since the owner of this website couldn't answer a single question about women's bodybuilding correctly when Dave and I had him as contestant on No Bull Jeopardy (on our old MD radio show) opposite Krissy Chin.


Nubain: Bodybuilding's Most Denied Addiction

I wrote this article about 13 years ago.  It was shortly after my second attempt to kick the Nubain habit.  It took one more fall off the wagon for me to finally stop it once and for all; and I haven't touched it since.  Last night, on the "Off Topic" radio show, I was asked about my prior Nubain habit and it brought back some horrible memories.  Since then, I started a thread on the MUSCLE CENTRAL forum that reached out to fellow addicts.  It was so positively received that I thought you might find this oldie but goodie interesting.....


Muscle Girls Inc.

Okay, I know you guys are getting bored with me constantly shooting back at the MD crew so I figured, today, I would give you all a glimpse of what lies ahead on RxMuscle.com


Frankenstein Journalism

 ".....Yeah, hello?!.... Ron?!..... Ron?!!  Can you hear me?!!"

            "Loud and clear, Steve.  Why are you yelling?"

             "I can't hear on this damn phone..... Can you hear me?!"

            "Yes, you're screaming..... Why don't you turn up the volume?"

  "Yeah..... the volume..... ehhhhhh..... How do you.... Robbie!.....Robbie!!!!......  how do you turn up the damn volume on this thing?"...... (some fumbling and garbled words follow, then.....) Yeah.... Ron can you hear me? ......  Oh, that's better.....  Look, Ron, Lee Priest is going to do the Last Word....  But that was Romano's column.  For Lee, how do you like the name ‘Last Rights?"


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