Celebrity Bowling Battle of the Sexes at Bros vs Pros 9 Weekend- Derek Poundstone, Dave Palumbo, Mike Liberatore, Stan Efferding, Melody Melo, Nola Trimble, Mikaila Soto, Byron & Tami Hicks, Cristina Vujnich,
Jong Sup Won and Chris Cormier 1 Day Before the 2011 NPC Excalibur!
Plastic Surgery Talk: Dr Blau Discusses the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Gynecomastia Surgery!
Dave Palumbo Cooks His Wild Salmon Super Foods Meal at Chris Aceto's condo in South Beach, Florida!
Brad Casselberry Talks to Lonnie Teper Days Before the 2011 NPC Excalibur!
Keith Williams: The Last 72- The Doc!
Roland Cziurlok Guest Poses in Germany in Prep for 2011 IFBB Masters Worlds!
Keith Williams: The Last 72- Post Pre-Judging
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