Robby Robinson & Ironman Owner John Balik at the 2012 LA Fit Expo!
MMA Legend Ken Shamrock at the 2012 LA Fit Expo! Find out who was his toughest fight and why he feels his orginal Super Series Heavyweight Belt is the most coveted in the sport.
Toney "X-Man" Freeman at X-Pain Booth at the 2012 LA Fit Expo! When will we see him on stage next?
8x Mr Olympia Ronnie Coleman at the 2012 LA Fit Expo! Coleman talks about 3rd neck surgery and why he thinks he should have tried to squat 850 for reps in his notorious training video!
Nick Trigili at the MuscleMeds Booth at the 2012 LA Fit Expo! Find out why NYC Nick moved out to LA!
Dave Palumbo Seminar: Toxicity, Cleansing, & Alkalinization- Part 1! Alkalinized Water, Black Mica, Fiber, Probiotics, and more!
Muscle At The Movies With Jewbacca & Hansen
Chris Cormier Showcases His New Team of Clients & Welcomes in 2012 with The Swami Lonnie Teper!
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