Winter Solstice Workout
Hi and Happy Holidays and Season's Greeting Rx Muscle Girls!
This weekend (December 21st) is Winter Solstice (the days become longer by 1 minute a day), and with this wonderful day you'll find a change in energy and hopefully happiness and regeneration of your body and soul!
In honor of this most festive time of the year, we're not going to get into the not gaining weight thing (I'll save that until after Christmas... but it will be addressed! :D), but in time for Winter Solstice, here's a fun 30-minute workout that will leave you burning for more!
Winter Solstice Lower Body, Cardio and Abs Workout
Equipment needed (home): Barbell, dumbbell, jump rope, BOSU
Equipment needed (gym): Leg Press, Smith-bar, Leg Extension, Leg Curl, BOSU, Calf Raise
Always start with a 5-10 minute warm-up, along with limbering stretches (mimicking your actual workout) and let's go!
Each exercise will be completed with 3 sets of 15 reps, going as heavy (or light) as you like until you've perfected your form and then... HIT IT!
Home Gym
Squats Leg Press
Split Lunges Leg Extensions
Wide Stance Squats Wide Stance Squats
Jump rope (1 minute) Jump rope (1 minute)
BB/DB Walking Lunges 25 each BB/DB Walking Lunges each
Single Leg Deadlift (db/kettlebell/med ball) Single Leg Deadlift
Jump Squats Jump Squats
High Knee Lifts (1 minute) High Knee Lifts (1 minute)
BB/DB Reverse Lunges (25 each) Leg Curls (seated, lying, single)
Seated Calf Raise Seated Calf Raise
Standing Calf Raise Standing Calf Raise
Abs: Abs:
Walking Planks Walking Planks
Bicycles Bicycles
Side Oblique Planks Side Oblique Planks
Bonus Abs:
Hanging Reverse Crunches
Follow up with a 5-minute cool-down and a great stretch... Awesome!
Until next time, Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Fitfully yours,
619.987.9691 cell/text
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