Play Your Cards Right and Get in A Great Workout!
Do you ever have a day where you just can't get to the gym? Maybe you’re traveling or on vacation and you really want to burn a ton of calories. I have a workout that all you will need is a deck of playing cards. You can do a total body workout in 30-45 minutes, and it's different every time you play. Each card is a different exercise, so make sure you shuffle the deck really good. I do this workout on a timer so I go as fast as I can. I usually use exercises that target large muscle groups or exercises that do not require any equipment. Each card designates an exercise and the number of repetitions. Here are a few different ways to play this game.
Version One
Red cards are push-ups
Black cards are air-squats
Jacks are burpees 10 total
Queens are jump-lunges 10 each leg
Kings are sit-ups 20
Aces are tricep push-ups 10
Jokers are planks 1 minute
Version Two
Red cards are tricep push-ups
Black cards are pop squats
Kings are 10 side planks each side
Queens are 10 curtsy lunges each leg Aces are 30 mountain climbers each leg
Jacks are 40 bicycle crunches
Jokers are 50 jumping jacks
Version Three (This is if you are in a gym.)
Red cards are kettle bell swings
Black cards are step ups on a bench 10 each leg
Queens are shoulder presses 10
Kings are pull-ups 10
Aces are one arm dumbbell rows 10 each arm
Jacks are dumbbell lunges in place 10 each leg
Jokers are bodyweight dips 10
I would pick a weight that is challenging so that when you get to ten reps you are fatigued.
For instance, if you get a red 9 you would do 9 push-ups. Say you got a black 5, you would do 5 air-squats. If you get a Jack, you would do 10 burpees, etc. You want to try to do it as fast as you can. You see, there are 52 cards so you are doing tons of reps and exercises but you never know the order until you turn the card.
So when you get bored of your workout, or you are traveling, or you just feel like playing cards, dig that deck of cards out of your drawer and spice up your workout with the workout of death. I absolutely love this kind of workout because each time I turn the card it's a surprise, and my body never gets used to the order. I like to get a group of friends together because it’s a lot of fun to do this workout with a big group of people. I know we all eat a lot this time of year and we travel, so this is a great tool for you to use. Because you can scale it up or down, everyone can play this game together whether they are an advanced fitness competitor or new to exercise.
If you're having a hard time figuring out what to get somebody for Christmas, just buy them a deck of cards and write out the workout that goes along with it. It's a great gift that they can use any time, anywhere. Have fun playing this great game. Good luck!
If you have any questions you can email me at
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