Pyramid Training 101
Hi Rx-Girls,
This month I will be weighing in on the various options of training. Pyramid Training will be featured in September as this is one of my favorite weight training techniques. I will be giving you what Pyramid Training is, what are the benefits and disadvantages as well as who can truly benefit from Pyramid Training.
In this, my first monthly series, I will be looking at The Paleo Diet. What is the Paleo Diet is, who the Paleo Diet for, as well as the pros and cons of starting this Nutrition program.
Definition: Pyramid training can be done in one of two ways. One is Light-to-Heavy, which is to start with light weight and higher (heavier) repetitions, increasing the weight (decreasing reps) as you go continue with your sets. The other way of pyramid Training is Heavy-to-Light which is to start with heavy weight, light repetitions and as you decrease the weight you increase your repetitions.
By starting light, you give your muscles, joints and connective tissue a chance to warm up, getting your body ready for more challenging weight. Also, by gradually increasing the weight, you can effectively overload the muscles, exhausting the muscle fibers to create an intense and effective routine. Starting with heavy weights can be challenging but for those that know…it’s an awesome way to switch up your workout routine and increase your results. Also by switching up your routine of higher reps versus lower reps you’ll can get the best of your fitness goals! Increasing strength, endurance, lean muscle…you name it Pyramid Training can do it!
The Biggest disadvantage of pyramid training is the time it takes, especially if you’re shooting for 5 – 6 sets. But if you’re serious about achieving your personal fitness gains, you’ll make the time.
You will be increasing the weight and decreasing your repetitions for each set.
Set 1 – 110 lbs x 25 reps
Set 2 – 125 lbs x 20 reps
Set 3 – 150 lbs x 15 reps
For each set, choose a heavy enough that you can ONLY complete the desired number of repetitions
You will be decreasing the weight and increasing the reps with each set. Horizontal Leg Press Example:
Set 1 – 150 lbs x 15 reps
Set 2 – 125 lbs x 20 reps
Set 3 – 110 lbs x 25 reps
* A Third way of Training (time permitting) is a Triangle Pyramid, in which you will do both Pyramids. LEG PRESS EXAMPLE:
Set 1 – 100 lbs x 25 reps
Set 2 – 125 lbs x 20 reps
Set 3 – 150 lbs x 15 reps
Set 4 – 125 lbs x 18-20 reps
Set 5 – 100 lbs x 20-25 reps
In Conclusion:
Pyramid Training is a great way to switch up your workout routine and just about everyone can benefit from pyramid training! Whether your goal is Bodybuilding, Figure, Fitness, Sports or you’re ready to take your body to the next level, you can add some pyramid techniques into your workout and see awesome results!
Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BS Holistic Nutrition, CFT ACE, AFAA, FITOUR is the Owner of Taylor Made Fitness. Her opinions and conclusions are her own. Contact her at
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