

GIRL POWER...LITERALLY! An Interview with IFBB PRO Female Bodybuilder Brigita Brezovac


An Interview with IFBB PRO Female Bodybuilder Brigita Brezovac

DSC_4831Since the age of 14 Brigita began hitting the weights and hasn't stopped fighting for the top since! After spending 8 years focusing on perfecting her physique for strength and taking over the National Championships in Karate, an injury pushed Brigita to get involved in the fitness industry. Her love for the sport and the way it made her feel drew Brigita into perfecting her physique for the bodybuilding stage. That and the judges kept telling her bodybuilding is where she belonged, and boy does she ever shine in that spotlight!!!

In 2009 Brigita competed in the IFBB federation, World Women's Championship in Como, Italy. She placed second in bodybuilding heavy weight class and was awarded her IFBB PRO card in December 2009.

In 2010 she had her PRO debut in June at the Tampa Pro where she won the show. One week later she won another PRO show; The Europa in Hartford. As her dreams came true, she was then qualified for Ms. Olympia in September exactly on her birthday Placing 10th.

Without further ado let's get to know a little bit more about Brigita in her own words:

RxGirl: Where are you currently living and training? Where did you grow up?

BB: I still live in my home country Slovenia, where I grew up. It's pretty small country with 2 million people and I'm the only female bodybuilder on the scene here.

RxGirl: What languages do you speak?

BB: Besides English, I can also speak German but not as fluently, Croatian and Serbian.

RxGirl: How did you get started in Bodybuilding?

I had a boyfriend who had a small home hardcore gym. When I saw the photo of Corry Everson, I knew I wanted to be like that. I was 14 years old. In that time I lived only for karate and practicing with weights which brought me very good results, I was national champion in fights for few years competing up to 116lbs and my body looked amazing. My first try in bodybuilding was in 2001 but then went to fitness for 3 years. Then judges move me into bodybuilding category and I couldn't do much then to accept my physique and do the best out of it.

RxGirl: So far in your iron journey what has been your favorite, most memorable and most powerful moment?

BB: The journey was long but nothing is more memorable than my first pro debut and winning the Tampa Pro show. I just couldn't believe this is really happening for a long time after the show was over because it was much more than just a dream coming true. That was the highest ratification in my life.

RxGirl: What do you enjoy doing away from the gym?

BB: I enjoy the yoga classes to stretch my body and keep it flexible, I like reading books, lately more philosophical and biography type, and I love shopping and fashion. I couldn't live without traveling which opens up the new perspectives, brings you new experiences and surround you with different people. It gives me better understanding of the world. I enjoy art exhibitions and music from opera to house but I'm pretty picky about the movies. I love nature and I have a garden at home which is full of biological vegetable during the season.

DSC_3196RxGirl: You got married a year ago.  Is that right? Tell us about your wedding and your first year of marriage.

BB: Yes, I got married after the Olympia on the beach in Jamaica. It was a small ceremony just for the two of us and the big white wedding for the family will follow because I was always dreaming to be a beautiful bride with the gorgeous white wedding gown in the church. Nothing has changed much since I've put on the ring, as we live together for 11 years now. Well, I travel little less by my own now.

RxGirl: What goes on in your mind before you are about to step on the bodybuilding stage?

BB: I'm pretty relaxed before going on stage, I like to chat with girls while waiting and just before I step on I collect all my energy and believe that I will shine on the stage.

RxGirl: What do you enjoy about being a bodybuilder?

BB: If I tell you the truth, the most I enjoy attention. Besides that I love the way of life being a bodybuilder. I like the food and diet regime because I can always have my body under control, I like working out and I like that I'm different from the average person.

RxGirl: What do you not enjoy?

BB: I definitely don't enjoy the injuries which come along with training and sometimes I'm pretty miserable when I see some fashion piece of clothes but cannot wear it because of my size. That bothers me the most. Also dieting the month before the show is tough.
RxGirl: Would you please tell us a little about your workout schedule? Contest and during the Off-Season? Does it vary much?

BB: My workout doesn't vary much during the year. I always try to train heavy but with strict form and don't go under 8 reps. In the off-season I train only once per day, 5-6 times per week and instead of cardio I do boxing twice per week while during the contest preparation I train 10 times per week and add regular cardio which goes up to 90 min per day.

Brigita_StudioRxGirl: What advice do you have for women who would like to get involved in and compete in the sport of bodybuilding?

BB: The advice I would give is to build a good groundwork. The most important are the basics of bodybuilding, hard training and strict dieting. The shortcuts have their cost and it's big. Female bodybuilders are not paid as male bodybuilders and will never be.
Hard work always pays off and you will be beautiful and admired.

Don't get affected by negative comments, respect everyone's opinion as we are all different and try not to judge, help others and the most important accept yourself.

RxGirl: Do you ever get in a negative rut in the offseason? How do you overcome it?

BB: Actually I always do that as I really want to regenerate my body after the contest but I don't call it negative as I think that is the natural process of the body. I am the woman and I want to stay like that. Sure I get in a bad mood because of that but then I take a look of some contest photos and I know I'll be back in shape soon.

RxGirl: How do people close to you describe your personality?

BB: I'm very happy person who loves life and everything that comes along. I'm cheerful and positive; my glass is always hall full instead of half empty. Attracted to different experiences, sometimes stubborn, little lazy, also crazy, gentle, caring and helpful.

RxGirl: What is the hardest thing about preparing for a show?

BB: The hardest is to go to the gym totally without energy, hardly walking. Luckily somehow you wake up and do the workout and if you're lucky somebody drags you home and cooks your meal. For me everything is hard the last three weeks so I don't think much and just do the job.

RxGirl: How far out in your contest prep do you start practicing and creating your routine?

BB: Till now, I didn't bother with routine much. I was only very picky about the music so I always took too much time and got music around 3 weeks before the show and mostly practice routine in my head. This year I'll start much sooner and hopefully do the good job.

JEB_9010RxGirl: In closing, who would you like to thank or give a shout out to?

BB: I would like to thank to all the fans of female bodybuilding and to every single female bodybuilder. Not that we are threatened species but hey, WE have to stick together first so we can take all the pressure from outside.

And my husband Zmago, who was always there for me, supporting and guiding me on the way up. I couldn't do it by myself.

Thank you so much Brigita for letting RxGirl reach out to you and taking some time out of your busy schedule to talk with us!

Brigita will be very happy to receive any emails to:  brigitabrezovac@hotmail.com

You can also stay up to date with all of Brigita's travels and show blogs via her blog at http://brigitabrezovac.blogspot.com/ or her website via: www.Brigita-Brezovac.com

Thanks again Brigita!!!

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