

Asylum Angel: Only the Elite - Taryn Rut



Editors Note: This is the first in a photo series by photographer/graphic artist Chris Zimmerman.  I’ve had the pleasure of watch Chris grow from a hobbyist to one of the most skilled and increasing sought after photographers in the fitness industry.  I couldn’t think of  a better way to display his work then a regular feature on RX GIRL.  Every week Chris will display the newest “Asylum Angel” from his growing library of photo shoots.





Asylum Angels: Only the Elite - TARYN RUT

National Level Fitness Competitor

Age: 26

Location: NY







DSC_9145Recently, RX Muscle contacted me to start up a new section targeting only the best athletes in the industry. These photo shoots will be of very high quality and are time consuming to produce. The models don't necessarily have to be well known pros or fitness models, just someone that clearly puts time, effort and their heart and sole into this industry. Ladies and Gentleman of RX, I'm pleased to introduce to you, Taryn Rut, the first Asylum Angel, an ongoing series here on RXmuscle.com












RX's Sean Andros notified me of an up and coming fitness competitor who wanted to set up a photo shoot. Her name is Taryn Rut. We messaged each other back and forth and I sent her some examples to get a feel for the style of pictures she was after. She started gymnastics at the tender age of 2, with a "Mommy and Me" program, so of course fitness competitions was the natural progression for someone entering this industry.









We decided to schedule the shoot immediately after the Tracey Greenwood Philadelphia Classic, and go for some dark and powerful images.  After getting a feel of her personality and an idea of who I was going to be directing for the shoot, I figured out how I could show her off to the best of my abilities.  Initially, I found her quite rude and nasty…..just kidding. Her quick wit and sarcasm was immediately apparent, plus she has the looks with the attitude to match. Clearly someone you don't mind spending time working with, so what better location to shoot at than an old gothic cathedral church?







DSC_9163taggedbluedarkerThis was not one of the quick one hour in- and-out low quality photo shoots you typically see. We basically spent four hours (as if the four hour shoot was not long enough, you can only imagine the time and effort put in to drawing details into the stone walls and retouching the images) changing the locations, lighting and outfits. It finally ended with Taryn in exhaustion and me blind in one eye from constant sweat caused by the nasty summer heat and humidity in the City of Brotherly Love that evening. You know you have a winning photo shoot on your hands when the cops continuously pass by to watch, finally stop to talk to the model.....and continue watching the shoot until it’s completed!







Contact Chris Zimmerman by email at machinegunnwilly@yahoo.com to set up shoots and he appears at many of the major IFBB and NPC contests across the country.

Check back to see the NEXT Asylum Angel...



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