Success in both life and bodybuilding isn’t a measurement of achievement. It’s a measurement of endurance. More often than not those we view as successful have achieved extraordinary results not just through effort alone, but having an unwavering focus that allows them to push themselves places they’ve never been by doing things they’ve never done.
Jasmin Ramirez has pushed herself to a place she’s never been and hopes to achieve something extraordinary by doing something she’s never done as she walks onto a National stage for the first time at the NPC North American Championships. Jasmin and I recently had a chance to catch up and discuss how her journey to the biggest stage of her career has taken across oceans, continents, and back again – and you can read all of the details right here, in this Rx Muscle exclusive interview.
Q.) Could you tell us a bit about where your love of fitness began?
A.) At the age 12, I used to train with my dad after school. He introduced me to the weight room at a young age which helped to feel comfortable lifting heavy while sometimes being the only female. From the age of 14 to about 17 years old, I was power lifting and training as a shot putter athlete. By the time I was 22 years old, I started to notice my body changing. I could no longer eat what I wanted without consequences. I gave up power lifting and turned to running, later becoming inspired to get back into the weight room after visiting a bodybuilding competition in Stuttgart, Germany.
My Dad was a bodybuilder when I was young; however, the competition in Germany inspired me to give competitive bodybuilding a try. My husband and I trained with my friend Nicole Walend, who took care of our diet and exercise regimen. After one fitness show, I was hooked on the sport! I loved the lifestyle and fitness community.
Q.) Did having a parent that competed have any influence on your decision to step on stage?
A.) Having a parent who competed definitely influences my decision to step on stage. I knew my parents would support my decision to compete. My dad has remained one of my biggest inspirations to never settle for any less than my personal best. When I doubt my progress, my dad is there to offer honest and sincere feedback. It was easy for me to compete knowing that I had the support from my family and loved ones.
Q.) Although you've always been active, what was it that made you decide to take your training and nutrition more seriously and start considering competition?
A.) I am goal oriented and love to push myself beyond my comfort level, which made it easy to begin contest preparation. I was actually training for a marathon when my friend asked me to compete in the military fitness competition. I changed my training regimen under her supervision, and loved the changes I witnessed weekly and daily once it came closer to the show.
Q.) You spent several years serving in the military and your husband is also an active member of the military who's currently deployed. The lifestyle of a competitor is typically one that requires not only tremendous dedication, but also tremendous stability as well. Was it difficult to manage military life and family life while preparing for competitions during your time overseas?
A.) There were times when I questioned my motivation to step on stage; however, I live a healthy lifestyle year round. When we traveled, I made sure we stayed close to a gym and had a full service kitchen to prepare meals and stay on track. The lifestyle is easy once you commit to the sport. Military life is very structured and requires discipline so it was easy to manage family, work, and competing. Time management is key to success so I make time for each aspect of life. I don’t give myself a choice to go to the gym every day. I look forward to hitting the weights and eating healthy.
Q.) Let's talk about the North American Championships for a moment. Although you were successful during your time competing in the INBA while you were stationed in Europe, this will be your first time onstage at a national level NPC event. Does the caliber of competitors expected to be at this show make you feel any additional pressure to perform well?
A.) Absolutely there is added pressure; however, that is one of the reasons I love this sport. Fear comes from the unknown; however, fear encourages the opportunity for courage. I am stepping on stage knowing I did everything I could to perform at my personal best. I dieted down, trained intensely and rested when needed to ensure I peaked at the right point. Regardless of the outcome, I will leave North Americans thrilled to even qualify for such a competitive event. The added pressure is normal but my coach and I adjusted training, diet, and posing to step it a notch to compete with the higher caliber of athletes.
Q.) What would it mean to you to earn your pro card before your husband returns home?
A.) I promised my husband that I would continue to work hard in the gym and in my career while he was deployed. This ensured he didn’t feel any added pressure while being away to allow him to focus on his mission overseas. I am going for a pro card to make him proud and to prove that anyone can achieve their goals during difficult times.
Q.) Away from the gym and the stage you live a busy life, juggling the responsibilities of work with one of your other passions – helping to coach military spouses on the importance of living a fit and healthy lifestyle. What made you decide to take up this cause? Why do you feel it's so important?
A.) This is a topic that many people may shy away from discussing but I think it’s important to address. Many military spouses neglect their personal health after taking care of their family. Many spouses are too busy ensuring that their family is taken care of that they forget to take care of their personal health which fosters obesity and other health concerns. Once I started competing I received several emails and calls about my lifestyle. It was then that I decided to obtain a personal training certification and continue to learn more about health and fitness.
The military provides formy family so I wanted to give back to the community and help share my passion for fitness. My goal is to help others understand that they can reach their fitness goals even with outside stressors. With a full-time job, furthering my education, and managing a family, I make time to focus on my health. My husband and I enjoy going to the gym and preparing meals together.
Military spouses owe it to themselves and their family to remain healthy and physically fit since our active-duty spouses have to uphold a physically fit physique, so why shouldn’t the other spouse maintain the same caliber of physique? Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help improve all aspects of life.
Q.) If someone would like to find out more about you, or is potentially interested in your coaching services, what's the best way for them to get in contact with you?
A.) Below is my contact information:
Facebook: JasminRamirez:FitnessModel
Instagram: @jjrams
Q.) Is there anyone you'd like to thank for helping to support you thus far?
A.) Special thank you to Marcus Dawson at Nutrishop Sacramento/Natomas for believing in me! He has been a huge part of me making it to Nationals and continues to inspire me to not give up on my dreams! Also, I’d like to thank my husband and parents for allowing me to pursue my dreams and motivating me to not give up during rough times. I am truly blessed with an amazing support system.
Regardless of what the outcome is onstage, Jasmin is going to walk away from this contest having achieved something extraordinary by challenging herself to push beyond the fear of the unknown, beyond her own expectations, and going to a place that she’s never been by doing things she’s never done.
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