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Published on Thursday, 11 October 2012 23:07
Written by Corey Young
Making A Comeback: An Exclusive Interview With Curtis Bryant
Curtis Bryant first came into the 2012 contest season far from the minds of most bodybuilding fans. After all, we haven’t seen Curtis on a pro stage since 2009. After winning his pro card at the USAs in 2008 Curtis capped off a great rookie year by placing 7th at the inaugural 202 Olympia Showdown. Curtis went on to compete twice in 2009 before disappearing from the stage until he came out of nowhere to win the 2012 IFBB Muscle Heat. Recently Curtis sat down for an Rx Muscle exclusive to let us know what he’s been up to.
Q) Before we talk about this year’s Olympia let's rewind back to 2008. You turned pro at the USAs and then managed to qualify for the inaugural 202 Olympia showdown. You made the top 8 to cap off a great year for you in the sport. Describe what it was like to be on the Olympia stage so soon after earning your pro card.
A.) Actually it has been a long road, I’d been training for that Olympia moment for awhile, but when it actually happened I was pleased and excited to know that all my hard work had paid off.
Q) You came back in 2009 and competed twice, but after that we didn’t see you on a bodybuilding stage again until this year’s IFBB Muscle Heat. Why did you decide to take so much time off?
A.) Family issues, losing my father, which in my perspective was more important at that time.
Q) This year you came in under the radar and managed to win your first pro contest, the 2012 Muscle Heat Pro. Why did you feel it was a good time to make your comeback? What,
if any reason, made you choose that particular show?
A.) I wasn't planning on making a comeback until I was approached by Quincy to do the show. I trained and got ready for the show but didn't count on it being as good of a turn out as it did. I was shocked and overwhelmed by the feel of bodybuilding again. It felt good.
Q) Fast forward to this year's Olympia. The class has changed from under 202 to under 212 since the last time you were on the Olympia stage. How does that change effect your preparation?
A.) It really didn’t, because I was already in shape from the Muscle Heat. I like coming in at the weight of 210. My body structure looks fuller as well as ripped
Q) Take us through the day of the show now. As your backstage getting prepared to go out what thoughts are running through your head at this point?
A.) I was thinking about bringing my condition in sharper to be at least in the top 10 and was ready to EAT
Q) You were compared in the second callout. Were you disappointed that your name wasn’t called out with that first group of four guys?
A.)No not at all the top 4 that was called out was deserving of their titles
Q) After everyone is compared once they bring out the top four guys again. You never get a chance to stand next to or be compared to that group to possibly fight your way into that top 6. Do you feel the judges did enough comparisons?
A.) No, I know my condition was better than pla
cing 8th, I thought I should have been in the top 6.
Q) If given the chance do you think you could've worked your way into that top 6?
A.) Even hearing the feedback from others who were watching and attending the show who also thought I should've placed in the top 6.Even though I still enjoyed being back on stage at that level
Q) After the prejudging ends, what is the first thing you do at that point?
A) I went to relax and get ready for the night show
Q) Overall, what is your opinion of the package you brought to the stage? In hindsight, is there anything you would have done differently?
A) My condition was on even though I would have liked to have come in heavier. This was a learning lesson on what to do for next year
Q) How would you compare this year’s look to the look that you first brought to the Olympia stage in 08?
A) This year I was sharper and also brought up some body parts that needed more attention. I train every part of my body as a favorite, I don’t neglect any part.
Q) What's the plan next year for Curtis Bryant? Can we expect to see you on an IFBB stage? Or do you plan to take time off?
A) I can’t spill all my secrets, because if I do than everyone will be expecting me and I like surprises. Seriously, I do enjoy my time off but I can’t say you won’t see me next year
Q) Are there any people you'd like to thank?
A) Hugh Fennell he has been an inspiration to me from day one I have learned a lot and can count on him to be truthful about any and everything about this sport. My family who has been supported in all areas especially my wife. Shout out to my Wolfgang family, and last but not least my buddy Mark Neal thanks bro
Q) How can people reach you if they'd like to get in contact with you?
Curtis Bryant will remember 2012 as the year of the comeback. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and Curtis will be able to look back on 2013 as the year he kicked in the door and cemented his spot as a top 6 Olympian.