#Fitspire of the Week: Hope Beel: Only Look Back to See How Far You Have Come!


#Fitspire of the Week: Hope Beel: Only Look Back to See How Far You Have Come!


What gives image(2)omeone the right to consider themselves a successful fitness model or personality in the industry? Is it the amount of covers one can land because of their physique?  Could it be how many sponsors they are able to grab to help support them? Or is it the amount of money one can make between different modeling/ fitness gigs? 

Everyone will tell you something different, but if there is one thing that is hard to disagree with, it’s the ability to promote and market yourself to others.  Social media has begun to play a huge role in self marketing as an athlete, competitor, fitness model or personality in the Industry. These days, you don't need a modeling agency to help promote you, or a company to take you on as a sponsored athlete in order for you to be seen in the industry.  Someone who once could have been just an average fit person, now has the ability to transform themselves into a “Social Media Fitness Star!”  If you put in the time, the effort, and truly have a passion for fitness, you can change yourself from just a face with a body, to a bona fide personality – someone able to inspire and motivate others on their own fitness journey! 

Hope Beel, age 25, and hailing from Addison, Texas, is proof that if you put in the time, effort, hard work in the gym AND the kitchen, and use social media as a tool to self-promote, you can turn your average health/fit lifestyle into a network that reaches out to endless amounts of people who want to take the time out to follow your journey.

Q: When did you get started on your fitness career/journey? What made you want become more than just the average person living a healthy and fit lifestyle? image(3)

A: Two years ago, I was the girl that ate fast food and then ran two miles and did insanity back to back and never saw results. When I found out the missing link was nutrition, I started incorporating healthy eating and started seeing dramatic changes in my body. I decided to start competing in the bikini division, and became obsessed. 


Q: Being that you have a loyal social media following, what is some advice that you would offer someone wanting to increase their popularity in the Fitness industry? What tip can you give someone to help them build their following as well?

A: Don't be contradictory, be realistic, and just be you. For instance, don't tell your followers to eat clean and workout, and then go out drink and party all the time. If you want to promote the lifestyle, live the lifestyle. 

Also, people are always looking for inspiration, be that inspiration by always bettering yourself and documenting your journey. 


Q: Do you consider this as your part/full time job or a hobby?

A: I wouldn't consider it a job. I just think this is where the world is today. 


Q: There are many people that motivate and are inspired by you. How does that make you feel knowing that there are people who take the time to see what you are doing day to day?

A: It's such a great feeling. My actual job is being a health coach where I help people reach their health and fitness goals, go hand and hand with my social media page. I do what I tell my clients to do, I love being healthy and fit and I love challenging myself. If I can Inspire someone else to do the same then that's just an incredible thing to me. image


Q: How does it feel knowing that somewhere, you are actually helping someone by motivating them to achieve their personal goals, just by posting your personal life and achievements on social media?

A: It's great. I get so many thoughtful emails from people daily; it really pushes me to do more and work harder! 


Q: Is there anyone who has motivated or inspired you to become the person you are today?

A: My boyfriend Justin Martin. Seriously, if it weren't for him I wouldn't be where I am today! He actually has pushed me more than I've pushed myself, made me step outside of my comfort zones, and made me see my true value. 


Q: How does your family feel about your lifestyle? What would you say to someone whose family does not support their lifestyle?

A: My family is extremely supportive! My mom is seriously my biggest fan! 

I would say,"You know what you believe in and you know what you're working towards and if positive things have come from it, then who cares what the negative people think?"  You can't please everyone and at some point you have to focus on what you want. 


Q: Of all the social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), what do you think is the most effective to use in order to market yourself in this industry?

A: Instagram for sure. It's free marketing and you can connect with people all over; I don't know what I would do without it! 


Q: What is your diet like? Do you eat clean all year round? 

A: Typically, I eat very clean, but don't get me wrong, I'm a huge foodie! That's why I created my blog, getfitwithhope@blogspot.com, where I post healthier alternatives. I allow myself a cheat meal during the week. When I'm in prep, obviously it's 100% cleimage(1)an eating, but when I'm not, I eat what I want, but in moderation and still kill my workouts. 


Q: Do you take any supplements? What do you think is one of the most important supplements someone should take who is training constantly?

A: Yes, I use all Herbalife supplements, bcaas, glutamine, and omega 3.


Q: What’s your social media/contact information?

A: Instagram: @getfitwithhope

Twitter: @getfitwithhope

Facebook Fan Page: Hope Beel



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