#Fitspire of the Week: Jaimie Bernhardt: Love What You Do!

#Fitspire of the Week: Jaimie Bernhardt: Love What You Do!


What gives sImage 4omeone the right to consider themselves a successful fitness model or personality in the industry? Is it the amount of covers one can land because of their physique?  Could it be how many sponsors they are able to grab to help support them? Or is it the amount of money one can make between different modeling/ fitness gigs? 

Everyone will tell you something different, but if there is one thing that is hard to disagree with, it’s the ability to promote and market yourself to others.  Social media has begun to play a huge role in self-marketing as an athlete, competitor, fitness model or personality in the Industry. These days, you don't need a modeling agency to help promote you, or a company to take you on as a sponsored athlete in order for you to be seen in the industry.  

Someone who once could have been just an average fit person, now has the ability to transform themselves into a “Social Media Fitness Star!”  If you put in the time, the effort, and truly have a passion for fitness, you can change yourself from just a face with a body, to a bona fide personality – someone able to inspire and motivate others on their own fitness journey! 

Jaimie Bernhardt, age 28, and hailing from Canton, Ohio, is proof that if you put in the time, effort, hard work in the gym AND the kitchen, and use social media as a tool to self-promote, you can turn your average health/fit lifestyle into a network that reaches out to endless amounts of people who want to take the time out to follow your journey.


Q: When did you get started on your fitness career/journey? What made you want become more than just the average person living a healthy and fit lifestyle? 

A: Growing up, I was always naturally athletic but didn't havImage 5e the drive and discipline I needed to really pursue sports. After a year of fashion school at Kent State I started working out and noticed positive gains. Soon after I attended the Arnold Classic, while walking around like the other spectators I was literally chased down by a sales member of a major supplement company. They asked me if I ever considered fitness modeling. Of course, being into fashion, I always wanted to be a model but didn't believe I had what it took (or the height). From that day on I figured 'why not' so I jumped in with two feet. 

For my very first photo shoot I was published in Maxim magazine. From that day on I knew I could become anything I wanted and for me I really wanted to inspire women, like all the women in Sports Illustrated who inspired me. Fitness has changed my life for better in so many aspects and I want other women to feel that empowerment that fitness gave me. 


Q: Being that you have a loyal social media following, what is some advice that you would offer someone wanting to increase their popularity in the Fitness industry? What tip can you give someone to help them build their following as well?

A: There is so much that goes into the fitness industry. People want to relate to you and we all have a story of our journey. Just be honest with people and show them that we all put our pants on one leg at a time. It doesn't happen overnight and I believe consistency is key! Be willing to open up to people and show them that they too can become anything they want. The best advice I could give is nothing worth having in life comes easy. Don't give up!


Q: Do you consider this as your part/full time job or a hobby?

A: I do consider this my full time job. I also am a personal trainer so I do spend a lot of time with clients in the gym. I decided that I want to put my all in this industry. I truly live and breathe fitness. 


Q: There are many people that motivate and are inspired by you. How does that make you feel knowing that there are people who take the time to see what you are doing day to day?

A: There really aren’t words for how that makes me feel. I too am inspired and motivated by so many amazing wImage 6omen in this industry. I still get butterflies when I hear from Jamie Eason. She is someone I’ve looked up to since day one. 

I grew up as an extreme tomboy where many people thought I was a little boy. I never in my wildest dreams thought I could be a model and inspire other women. It is so important to me that people do take the time and see what I am up to. We live in a society where it’s go, go, go, and for someone to take their time to see what I am up means the world to me. 


Q: How does it feel knowing that somewhere, you are actually helping someone by motivating them to achieve their personal goals, just by posting your personal life and achievements on social media?

A: It is a very humbling feeling, almost surreal! That's the main goal behind what I aspire to do. I welcome it with open arms. I feel more accomplished by inspiring someone else than any photo shoot or placing in a show. For me it isn't easy putting myself out there for all to see. I’m typically not an open book so knowing that – in helping others – makes it well worth it!!


Q: Is there anyone who has motivated or inspired you to become the person you are today?

A: That would be a very long list! The first person to come to mind would be Jamie Eason. From the moment I met her she talked to me as if we have been friends for years. She gave me that confidence to pursue my dreams and that anything is possible. She also took time out of her schedule to sit down and talk to me and give me vital advice to pursuing modeling. I could go on and on about Jamie. She’s a true inspiration! 


Q: How does your family feel about your lifestyle? What would you say to someone whose family does not support their lifestyle?

A: My family supports me now. In the beginning they didn't understanImage 3d what I was trying to do and thought I was just a dreamer, which honestly gave me more motivation. I felt I had something more to prove so in the long run I thank them. For those who don't have the support, much like myself, I would say to them… listen to that voice in your heart. I had all the naysayers including my family. You just need to believe in yourself and follow your heart. 


Q: Of all the social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), what do you think is the most effective to use in order to market yourself in this industry?

A: They are all great tools for marketing yourself. But for me, since I do tend to model more, Instagram has been great for me. Not only can you post photos but now videos which is great to show how certain workouts are performed or a cooking recipe.


Q: What is your diet like? Do you eat clean all year round? 

A: My diet is pretty boring to be honest. I eat the basics like sweet potatoes, oats, rice, lean meats such as chicken fish and turkey. Lately I’ve been incorporating good fats such as nuts and avocados. I pretty much eat clean year round, of course, it’s strict when I’m getting ready for a shoot or show, but I do believe in a balance. If I’m craving pizza I do not deprive myself. It’s all about balance and moderation and listening to your body. 


Q: What is your favorite cheat meal? How do you control yourself from going overboard when you decide to treat yourself?

A: I love a good cheat meal, but you have to look at the bigger picture which, for me, is this really going to be worth it by tomorrow? I don't like regrets and having to make up for lost time. So I do indulge with moderation. I know I work too hard to ruin it by overindulging on pizza. 


Q: Do you take any supplements? What do you think is one of the most important supplements someone should take who is training constantly?

A: I do! And I only use ProSupps. I think everybody has different needs for supplements, but protein is number one for me. ProSupps makes an absolutely delicious protein isolate. It has a 90% absorption rate compared to the others with 30 or 40%, plus no sugar or lactose. I almost feel guilty when I take it because it is that good! 


Q: What’s your social media/contact information?

A: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialJaimieLynn 

Twitter: jaimielynnfit 

Instagram: jaimielynnfitness 

Website: jaimiebernhardt.net 

Email: jaimieb101@gmail.com 


Q: Special thanks to: 

A: To ProSupps who have believed in me from day one! They have been an amazing company to work for and have supported all my dreams and aspirations.


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