Question. What is your favorite body part to train ______________?
Chest? Biceps? Legs? Shoulders?
I bet you dollars to doughnuts that very few of your answered “back.” Why, is that? Well, there are several reasons. First, the back isn’t a glamorous muscle like the chest or biceps. Second, building a great back, from top to bottom, takes hard work and effort. And, third, taking ‘selfies’ to show off your back is pretty darn hard. Seriously, you almost need to be contortionist to take a solid back picture.
All jokes aside, the truth is that any serious competitor knows the importance of training back, and they do so diligently. If you doubt it, just take a look at the comparison photos from the recent Olympia. The men’s physique competitors that stood on that stage had well-developed trapezius, latissimus dorsi and spinal erectors. And, without a doubt, what was presented on that stage will have consequences for national and local shows from coast-to-coast.
Before you step on stage again, here’s a workout that you might want to try:
· Single-arm pulldowns – 4 sets 12 reps
· T-bar row – 4 sets 10 reps
· High rows – 4 sets 10 reps
· Single-arm high rows – 4 sets 12 reps
· Bentover rows – 4 sets 15-20 reps
· Hyper extensions – 4 sets 12-15 reps
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Youtube: Rsimmons1911
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