The other circumstances are obviously "on the court" related. Bench press competitions and seeing how much we could squat, back in the day, has left some of us needing muscle creams and anti inflammatories for the knees to keep up with daily tasks. In a nutshell, the key to keeping your bodybuilding or other athletic endeavors at the top of their game is to focus on form. For example: feel the burn as the biceps muscles contract to flex your arm and really squeeze. With the exception of some artful cheating techniques, stay clear of swinging body parts to gain momentum.
Bodybuilding and Men’s Physique, more so than other sports, are games of sculpting and deception. A MP Competitor is an artist. His main concern is not to trigger fight of flight impulses that cause him to lift a weight that is far heavier than was meant to lift and end up in therapy. It is to be intelligent, strategic, and productive. So don't hold back those rock hard gains by practicing poor form. Pick up Arnold's Encyclopedia and master those moves!
Rossano Rea,CPT
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