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Published on Sunday, 03 July 2011 19:05
Written by Courtney Dukes CPT
Immediately following the completion of
your workout(within 20-30mins) it's very important to provide your body with the proper nutrients for the recovery process. You need a fast digesting protein source like whey and some simple sugars such as fruit to help your body transition from a catabolic state(breaking down muscle), into an anabolic state(building or repairing muscle). This is a great higher calorie post-workout shake for individuals that are in the process of trying to add size.
2 Cups almond milk
2 Tbs natural peanut-butter
2 Scoops Whey Protein(or 1 scoop whey 1 scoop casein)
1 Cup fresh strawberries(or frozen)
1 Cup fresh raspberries(or frozen)
1 Cup fresh blueberries(or frozen)

Totals 726 calories, 58g protein, 22g fat, 68g carbs
If you are looking for a lower calorie version replace the almond milk with water, remove the peanut-butter, and do 1/2 a cup of each of the fresh berries.
Total 380 calories, 54g protein, 4g fat, 32 carbs