Muscle Gossip #55- Lee Priest FIRED


Lee Priest has been fired more times than anyone else in the sport of bodybuilding. MuscleTech, ProLab, Predator, Weider, Muscular Development, Infinite Labs...and the list goes on!  Hell, he’s even been fired from his own company, Lee Priest Nutrition.  Priest goes through companies faster than he goes through marriages; and that’s fast!  As of today, Lee adds VPX to his long list of supplement companies that have let him go. In fact, he lasted over a year with VPX, making this relationship one of his longest in recent memory.
Pro BodyBuilder Lee Priest Plays A Trick On Momtumblr m34i1mxTKj1qicxmdAll this firing talk reminds me of the quote, “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck; it must be a duck.” Can all of these companies be that wrong? Did they all unjustly fire Lee; or is Lee Priest just a duck?
I received an email from a VPX staffer stating that Lee was axed due to financial concerns. I guess the money they were spending to keep Priest on staff didn’t make sense. I have often wondered how Jack Owoc, the owner of VPX and a smart businessman in his own right, could possibly justify paying Priest a reported $4,000/a month to do a weekly radio show and post on VPX’s ghost town of a message board.
When I write columns on firings, arrests, or anything negative, I generally do it with some reticence. I will admit; however, with this column I feel no remorse. I’m trying to not to gloat about Lee’s firing since I feel like that would be inappropriate, but it’s hard. Lee, previously, said that he wishes I would have been burned in the ovens with my ancestors during the holocaust, that my fiancé looks like a dirty whore, and that he hopes my unborn child dies... among many other horrible things. So, it’s tough not rejoice over his recent misfortune.  Karma’s a bitch, Lee!


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