Muscle Gossip #43: The Fate of Victor Martinez

victor6Everyone is wondering what is happening with Victor Martinez. He has been locked up in a federal holding cell for 88 days, thus missing Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Yesterday, on January 6th, Victor went back to court. There has been some information made available about what transpired in court yesterday, but it’s vague and confusing, to say the least. I rounded up all my sources and have attempted to put together a complete picture of what I believe is currently going on with Martinez.

The most important piece of news I discovered concerning Victor’s court appearance, was that his judge granted his petition; a petition to waive past criminal charges. When entering the United States, an important factor that is taken into account is criminal past. Since Victor had felony convictions, without this waiver he certainly would not have been able to officially enter the US.

In all of the reports I have received, I hear the word ‘parole’ being thrown around. Not probation or bail, but ‘parole’. In case you don’t know the difference, it’s worth explaining. If it’s being used correctly in Victor’s case, it’s very telling on what is going on behind the scenes.

IMG 3074 VictorParole is serving the remainder of a sentence outside of prison, where probation is given instead of a prison sentence and as such, tends to place more rigid obligations upon the individual serving the term.

I believe I have heard this term used too many times for it to simply be a mistake. I believe that Victor must have been out on probation for some other criminal charge, and he violated it by leaving the country with an expired Green Card, otherwise he wouldn’t be applying for parole.

The next court date is February 24th, but everyone seems to believe there is a shot that Victor will be out before then. His lawyer is re-submitting his parole application on Monday. The way it looks now, the case should be wrapped up by April or May the latest. Those who have visited Victor say he looks healthy, is in better spirits, and is only down around 25lbs.  According to my sources, Martinez is very hopeful that he will be at the Arnold in March to see the show and represent his sponsor, MHP.

Everyone at Rx Muscle hopes Victor will be released as soon as possible so that he can continue the upswing his career and life seemed to be on prior to all of the drama began.

If you would like to send a message to Victor while he's in holding, Isaac Hinds started a Twitter "campaign" for Victor... Any tweet with the trend #StayStrongVic in it will be sent directly to Victor. I'm sure he can use as many positive wishes and thoughts as possible so I encourage you to take the time and send him something.


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