SD Pharmaceuticals launches high-quality BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS BCAATM
Vancouver, B.C. – October 21, 2013 – SD Pharmaceuticals, The Cutting-Edge Ingredient Company, today launched its newest product, BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS BCAA TM. BCAAs are a group of essential amino acids which cannot be made by the body and play a key role in protein synthesis, energy production and muscle growth.
“BCAAs make up 35 to 40 per cent of essential amino acids in total body protein,” says SD Pharmaceuticals co-founder, Don Gauvreau. “Athletes have understood the benefits of BCAAs for years. They play a crucial role in muscle growth, performance and recovery. By combining BCAAs with the patented absorption ingredient, AstraGin, we’ve been able to improve the uptake of BCAAs into muscle tissue, allowing our customers to achieve even greater results from BCAA supplementation.”
· Leucine, valine and isoleucine are the three branched-chain amino acids. They cannot be produced by the body and, instead, are ingested via food and/or supplementation
· SD Pharmaceuticals’ BCAA delivers a scientifically-validated BCAA ratio of 45% leucine, 30% valine and 25% isoleucine—this research-validated 45:30:25 ratio delivers optimal muscle-growth and performance-enhancing benefits
· SD Pharmaceuticals’ BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS BCAATM uses the clinically-tested absorption ingredient, AstraGin™ to support optimal absorption of BCAAs for maximum results
· AstraGin has been studied in human and animal models and has been shown to improve amino acid uptake by nearly 70%
Exercise (both aerobic and anaerobic) causes BCAA metabolism to increase in muscle tissue, resulting in a significant decrease of plasma BCAA levels. Supplementation with BCAAs prevents this decline in plasma BCAAs and increases BCAA concentration throughout the body, providing reliable and optimal BCAA levels for better performance.
For more information and for recommended usage, visit
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SD Pharmaceuticals, The Cutting-Edge Ingredient Company, is always the first to bring innovative ingredients, based on the most up-to-date scientific research, to the natural health food and sports supplement market. SD Pharmaceuticals’ science-based supplements are made for anyone looking to improve health and performance, combat aging and disease, lose fat, build muscle and improve quality of life.
For more information please contact:
Amanda Munro/ Malka Aujla
Peak Communicators Ltd. /
(604) 689-5559