Board Member of the Month: Scoobysnacks

mmThis month our Member of the Month is Scoobysnacks, AKA Jason Theobald. I first heard of Jason back before RxMuscle existed. He was a popular and knowledgeable member of MD, and when Dave left, he as one of the first members on Rx. Since then he’s been a regular contributor to the board and to the bodybuilding community as a whole.

How did you hear about RxMuscle?

There was a guy with the handle named BigMike; Im not sure if he is still around. He brought me over from MD and asked if I wanted to contribute and potentially be a forum leader. I posted for a week or two and he made me forum leader of the Contest Prep Section. I’ve been there ever since.

How did you come up with the name ScoobySnacks?

Snacks was a college nickname that stemmed from drinking beer. I lifted in college but I did not body build, but I always made sure to eat my 6 meals of protein, and a good bit of shakes. When Id drink at some point someone, maybe me, I don’t recall asked for someone to pass me a snack. That stuck and then it became a nickname of sorts. 

When did you start prepping people for contests?

I had helped quite a few after my first show in 2003. But it was never a business. I actually quit bodybuilding, at least competitively, during law school. When I came back I had a bad outing. Really bad only time I didn’t place at the local level. I was so pissed off I decided to do the NPC Northern Kentucky 4 months later; which is a huge show usually having 250 plus competitors. At the time a member of another board who some may remember, who posted as Tipsta, prepped me. I ended up winning my class in the open. So many people around Cincinnati were impressed they asked me to prep them using similar methods. At some point it became a bit burdensome and my wife prompted me to start a business. So I did. That was around early 2008. We first started under www.nattynutrition.com but that grew into a business housing our own supplement line, her general nutrition clients and an online store. I now prep out of www.scoobyprep.com.

 I read that you are also an attorney... Is that true?

jYep it’s true. I work 40 plus hours as a general counsel in house for a large advertising and sports marketing company in Cincinnati Ohio. It’s my dream job. When I went to law school I always said I wasn’t cut out for the law firm life and politics. I wanted to be in house counsel. Well they will tell you, you can’t get those jobs without working in a firm. I don’t like to be told I cant do something my way. I got out of school and worked as a white collar crime federal investigator for a year and also had my own solo law practice. I guess Ive always had two jobs; I hate manual labor but I like to always be using my mind. I found a posting for an in house counsel and met the guy, we hit it off, I asked him to take a chance on me and he did. I’ve been there going on 7 years now, and we have a great attorney-client relationship. My lawyer friends always say, if you are every going to leave please let me know.

Do you still practice? What kind of Law did you specialize in?

I do anything the company needs done; from prosecuting trademark applications, commercial lease negotiations to suing those who don’t pay their advertising bills, but collections work is my least favorite. I also handle any mergers and acquisitions we partake in and handle all the commercial real estate purchases my boss makes. He also owns a sports marketing company so I do player contracts when we promote our professional volleyball tournament held in Cincinnati each year, that is always a fun process.

How do you go from Lawyer to Contest Prep Guru?

stephI guess it is kind of odd huh? But I will say I don’t like the title guru, I prefer Prep Coach. I guess I just have a really good eye for this, my wife spotted it before I really thought about it, she just said you are really good at this you should start a business since you invest so much time. I never set out to be a coach, people asked me and due to the amount of business that was coming my way, I had to pretty much make a business out of it, or tell everyone I cant help you. I always say I’m an attorney by day and a nutritionist by night.But ask any of my clients they would never know I had another job my response time is some of the fastest in the business.

What separates you from other gurus?

I’m very hands on having clients check in daily. I don’t just give them a diet and say Ill talk to you in a week or two. I also respond to my clients within hours sometimes minutes. I’m always on a computer due to my legal job, so I can multi task very well and switch gears to contest prep coach fast and answer my clients. I also don’t subscribe to one way of dieting someone, I’m versed in all methods, and in conjunction with client input I build the best plan for their body. I don’t force them into one style of dieting.Is it wrong to say another thing that separates me is that I’m fairly intelligent? Prep is strategic, it takes organization and a good plan; I provide that framework for my clients to work in. I take the guess work out of it for them so all they have to do is focus on training and eating. I don’t just send them a diet I provide them an organizational structure to follow as a roadmap as we go along. I’m not saying their aren’t other intelligent prep coaches out there, because I can think of a few off the top of my head, but I’ve seen some REALLY bad ones to the point you have to wonder what are they thinking.

What was your favorite moment on the board?

Probably seeing the Offseason/Contest prep thread hit 70,000 views everyone reading this should come check it out: http://forums.rxmuscle.com/showthread.php?53275-Off-Season-Support-Thread-Post-pics-and-your-program-to-get-feedback

Married? Kids?

I'm married to Stephaney Theobald who runs www.nattynutrition.com. We’ve been married for 5 years. I have one son, Ayden, he is 7, from a previous relationship. Steph and I see him just about every weekend and he spends every other weekend at my home.

Favorite board member? Least favorite board member?

BJ123JM is pretty funny, contributes good information and I think he started the February PHAT Booty contest so how can we not like that guy, but I don’t have a favorite board member. The board member I hate most is the keyboard warrior who will say smart ass shit just to get a rise out of someone; they say inappropriate bullshit that adds nothing to a thread and its shit they would never say to anyone’s face.


Word Association:

S2h (last member of the month): Very supportive member; helps a lot of guys on the board.
Dave Palumbo: Glute striations eating McDonalds, what sorta freak is that, I'm jealous?
Guru: Not a word in my vocabulary, and it makes me cringe when someone calls me that.
HIIT: FUCKING HATE IT, but do it when needed.
BLP: Crazy motherfucker, but friendly guy to chat with online; I admire his honesty.
Derek Anthony: Personally I'm not a fan. We couldn't be more opposite.
Steroids: Wont make a shitty physique a great one.
Natural bodybuilding: One of the toughest challenges there is in my opinion in the bodybuilding arena.
GH15: Knucklehead Gimmick that people buy into. 
If you have any tips, gossip, feedback, or would like to advertise on RxMuscle, email me at Jewbacca@rxmuscle.com!

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