Check out the article below. It presents a great quandary in the ethical argument of human performance enhancement. Look for my comments that follow the article.....
A California fitness trainer is suing the video game company Nintendo, asking them to pull its Wii Fit games from shelves claiming it's "contributing to the epidemic of obesity."
Sometime in early 2004, then IRS special agent Jeff Novitzky (he works for the FDA now), entered a diagnostic testing facility in Long Beach, California with a search warrant to confiscate 10 urine samples belonging to clients of BALCO. Novitzky left with not 10, but over 1,200. He took them all! He also took a computer disk which had the positive steroid test results for 104 players. Interestingly, at the time, Barry Bonds was in Novitzky's crosshairs; however, Bonds was not one of the names on the failed drug test list. Nevertheless, when this evidence was presented in court, the judge sealed the results. Those records are still sealed today where they sit in a 9th circuit court.
But is he back for the right reasons?
Every man has a destiny laid out for him. Some know it and pursue it. Others bumble along until destiny has been shown to him. Gunter on the other hand has come and gone and can't seem to find it - sort of like losing your car keys.
Is he back for the right reasons or does he need an excuse to stay in shape for that elusive movie contract?