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Predictions, Musings, and Babble on the Figure Olympia

Much like Mr. Olympia, the 2009 Figure Olympia contest is wide open and ready to bring some new faces to the forefront of the sport.  Reigning champ Jen Gates is preggers; Arnold Champ Zivile Raudoniene left for the WWE; Mary Lado isn't on the list (I don't know where she is), so it's time to usher in some new blood.  With over 200 ladies fighting it out at every pro-qualifier, there's little doubt the figure division is deep; even the rookies are tried and tested.


The Show Stopper Finds the White Rhino in Vegas!

The first thing I noticed about Ben White when I saw him today at the Orleans Hotel, other than his white beard, was the fact that he has gained about 50 pounds since I last saw him a few weeks ago.  I know Dave did a video with him that showed the added mass, but seeing him in person was something else. The guy is thicker than the smog over LA in August.  And his banter about his presumed success at the upcoming lift off here at the Olympia exudes a confidence so inspiring one could assume he was taught smack talking by Mohammed Ali. Is Ben White the greatest?


The Rx Muscle Crew Lands in Vegas!

OLYMPIADexter Jackson, Jay Cutler, Kai Green, Victor Martinez, Phil Heath, Dennis Wolf, Branch Warren, and Toney Freeman comprise the most anticipated Olympia top Olympians, since the infamous showdown in 1998 that began King Ronnie's reign. Vegas is battening down the hatches for the rest of the storm our industry is bringing, and that includes RXMUSCLE's wall to wall coverage of the O.  Be on the lookout for Jimmy "the Angry Bull" Pellechia and Jeff "the Producer" who will be roving all over Vegas getting into trouble and filming it for posterity. Add a little beer to the mix and I shudder to think of what's going to come out of that camera.  Whatever it is, I'm sure you guys will love it.  A huge thanks to Brutal Alchemy for supporting that cause, and sponsoring RXMUSCLE's coverage of the big show.


2009 IFBB Atlantic City Pro Men's Open Prejudging!

MENS OPENAtlantic City picked four of a kind this morning in the Men's pro bodybuilding prejudging.  Right out of the gate it was clear that the top row was going to be Troy Alves, Melvin Anthony, Gustavo Badel and Hide Yamagishi.  After sever rounds of callouts, the same four ended up in the all-telling final callout.  Both Gustavo and Troy brought their A-game.


2009 IFBB Atlantic City Friday Night Prejudging Report!

202ClasssThis year's IFBB Atlantic City Pro is no joke.  The prejudging has given us a peek of what's coming tomorrow night and so far, things are shaping up to be very competitive (SEE FULL GALLERY). Today featured the Men's 202, Fitness, Women's Bodybuilding and Master's Figure pre-judging; tomorrow morning (10am) we'll see the Men's Open and Pro Figure pre-judging. The NPC show will then run straight through (starting at 12noon)-- prejudging and finals-- with no break; then right into the evening finals for the pro show.


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