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Introducing the 2009 Ms. Megalympia!

The 2009 Megalympia Championships seemed to be a big hit with Rx Muscle Forum Members. They read about, debated and voted on 174 of the best bodybuilders from the past seventy years. The discussion was sometimes heated, with those that posted sharing personal stories, expert critiques and strong opinions on the merits and weaknesses of the top bodybuilders of all time.

Once the contest concluded, the overwhelming popularity of the Megalympia made two things blatantly obvious: 1) We will DEFINITELY have a 2010 Megalympia, and 2) People DEMANDED a Ms. Megalympia to determine the top female bodybuilder of all time!


Trey Brewer: A Very Dangerous Man!

DSC00528Trey Brewer is focused.  He's not scared and he's knows he's good.  Don't get it twisted, Trey ain't bragging or boasting and he's not talking shit about anyone or anything.  In fact Trey isn't saying much at all.  He's busting his ass, day in and day out, and in less than five weeks time, he's excited to let his physique do the talking.


2009 IFBB Mr Olympia Report!

DSC_2829The 09 Olympia is done and it'll go down in history as one of "those" Olympias.  We really haven't had too many years that were remarkably outstanding.  One that comes to mind is 1998, but to say it was comparable to this year is like comparing the first jet airplane to the space shuttle.  Maybe because there was so much anticipation leading up to this show; maybe because there was such a deep field; there were so many unknowns; so many suppositions and predictions; and the writing off of a certain competitor....




What Went Down At the 2009 Figure Olympia!

Tonight I lost $100 on the black jack table in under 3minutes and found out that my first venture in pre-contest predications was an epic failure.  Despite all my placings being off, I was dead accurate about one thing: The 2009 Figure Olympia marked an ushering in of new faces and definitive statements of figure's new look (check out the complete CONTEST PHOTO GALLERY).  2008 Fitness O Champ Jen Gates was not back to defend her crown (she's on maternity leave).  Likewise, two others competitors from the '08 Top-5 were gone as well.  This made 2009 the most wide open Figure "O" since the inaugural competition in 2003.   Head Judge Sandy Williamson has been leading the charge for the softer, less muscular, look and tonight's champion, Nicole Wilkins-Lee is the new archetype of the modern day Figure Champ.  Let's take a look at the Top 6 and see who got what tonight in Vegas.


2009 Ms Fitness Olympia Final Report!

ADELAWe've learned over the years that the Olympia titles are guarded closely and bestowed on only the most deserving.  When the reigning champ doesn't return to defend the title, the judges have the pressure of selecting a new face to join the pantheon of champions.  Fortunately for the judging panel at the 2009 Fitness Olympia, a 3-time champ showed up to make their job that much easier.


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