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What's All This Guru Talk?

chris vicBodybuilding is a funny sport, it’s the only sport where having a coach is looked upon as unique. I assume it’s because the average pseudo bodybuilder who lifts down at your local gym doesn’t feel he needs any help from anyone and certainly not from a personal trainer. The same guy I imagine opens up a bodybuilding mag and sees nearly every top pro in the sport giving praise to one of the gurus and can’t figure out why such a great bodybuilder would need help from anyone. So what is all this talk about gurus anyway?


RxMuscle Welcomes Mel Chancey

200493 1007112228090 6176 nEarlier this week, Dave Palumbo broke the news on Heavy Muscle Radio that Mel Chancey would be joining the RxMuscle team to bring more radio entertainment to all of the bodybuilding fans around the world. For those not familiar with Mel he has a checkered past that includes time behind bars for his involvement with a notorious motorcycle club. I caught up with Mel, now 43, earlier this week to discuss his past, how bodybuilding has changed and help shape his life, and where he sees his place at RxMuscle.


IFBB Pro Kris Dim Rehab Update



IFBB Pro John Sherman shared thsi news from IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Kris Dim who has suffered a devistating spinal cord injury during a sepereate surgical procedure. Our thoughts go out to Kris as he fights to regain his ability to live the life he once knew.

I want to thank you all for inspiring and supporting me on this mission of walking again. Remember in april 22 of 2012 I went in with a aorta surgery and came out with spinal cord injury. They told me I will never walk again. Couldn't even feel my...


The NFL Meets The IFBB

Phil basketballSometimes I wonder what would happen if NFL football players would pursue bodybuilding instead of football. There are some true freaks of nature playing professional sports. I never made it to the NFL as a football player, but even at the collegiate level I saw several thoroughbreds walking through the locker room. Look at our current and defending 2x Mr. Olympia, Phil Heath.


Christmas With A Bodybuilder

arnold santaYou don’t have to get on stage to consider yourself a bodybuilder. Many of us live the lifestyle day in and day out. We eat our 6 meals, have a scheduled cheat day, never miss a workout, and buy our supplements religiously. Luckily for me, I don’t compete and maybe never will, which is why when Christmas comes along you can make damn sure that all bets are off when it comes to dieting and training consistency.


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