Fitness Factoids: Volume 73


Skienglish-breakfastpping Breakfast Has No Impact on Weight Gain

For decades one of the most common doctrines that flew from the mouth of “nutrition experts” was the idea that eating a balanced, healthy breakfast was the most important meal of the day. However the rise in popularity of alternative dieting methods such as intermittent fasting, along with other scientific data have empirically disproved the age old myth. Now, a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has examined the impact that eating or skipping breakfast has on weight loss in overweight but otherwise healthy individuals. To the surprise of many, the study found that only did the participants not lose weight, but it appeared to have no impact on eating habits later in the day either. This new evidence comes on the heels of another recent study that determined that by simply removing carbohydrates from breakfast the displayed increased fat burning ability throughout the remainder of the day. Perhaps the new information will lead to a change in the recommendation of the high carbohydrate breakfast promoted by the FDA.




Increased Fruit and Vegetable Intake Has No Impact on Weight Gain

One of the most common approfruits and vegaches for people looking to lose weight and shed body fat is to increase their overall consumption of fruits and vegetables. Although nutrition savvy individuals are aware of fructose’s ability to blunt the body’s fat burning mechanisms, the majority of people are still continuously misinformed about how to effectively manage their weight. A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has examined the relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and weight loss. For the study researchers analyzed data from seven different studies in which they evaluated with ability of increased fruit and vegetable intake to aid in weight loss and body fat reduction without reducing overall energy intake. The researchers found no significant statistical evidence to support the idea that increasing fruit and vegetable intake will lead to any weight loss what-so-ever, and note that the recommendations to do so are not supported by clinical evidence.



Heavier Weights Are Better For Building Muscle

TheJohnnie-Jackson-2re’s no shortage of opinions on what the most effective method of training is for maximizing muscle growth. It often seems that every possible combination of sets, reps, exercises, and rest intervals has had their run as “the most optimal way”. However, according to a new study published ahead of print in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, at least part of the equation seems to have been solved. For the study researchers set of to discover whether using heavier weights (75% 1RM) was more efficient at activating muscles than using lighter weights (30% 1RM) when training to failure. Researchers used well trained individuals who regularly did lower body resistance training had them train to failure using both loading patterns while EMG equipment measured muscle recruitment during the exercise. The data showed that training with the heavier loads significantly stimulated type II muscle fibers to a greater degree. The researchers also determined that training at loads of 30% 1RM or below are inadequate for stimulating the maximum amount of muscle fibers during training.




Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To ED

As if therthe already weren’t enough reasons to be taking vitamin D every day, a new study conducted by a team of researchers at Wiley University may have uncovered a finding that will cause even the most critical vitamin D skeptic to reconsider their position. According to university researchers vitamin D plays a critical role in maintaining normal health of endothelial cells. Endothelial cells are line the inside of blood vessels in the body, and are partially responsible for maintain proper circulation inside tissues. In an analysis of fifty patients diagnosed with ED, 46% had serum levels of vitamin D in their blood at levels that were considered well below adequate as opposed to just 20% who had normal vitamin D levels but still suffered from ED. The new evidence leads researchers to believe that vitamin D may play a greater role in the healthy functional of endothelial cells than previously thought, and that individuals who have low blood levels of vitamin and also suffer from ED may be able to mitigate their symptoms by restoring blood levels to the healthy normal range.



More Natural Light Improves Health

One ooffice-natural-lightf the primary causes for vitamin D deficiency is the amount of time we spend indoors. The combination of a sedentary lifestyle coupled with the poor diets and more time spent indoors than ever has led to a precipitous decline in the overall health of untold millions of people across the country. A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine is reporting that workers who are exposed to more natural light during the day have improved health compared to those who spend their days indoors under artificial light. The study reports that employees with more windows in the workplace are exposed to 173% more natural white light that helps align circadian rhythms and resulted in them getting 46 minutes more rest per night. In addition to getting better rest, individuals who were exposed to more natural light had better overall quality of rest, fewer sleep disturbances, and reported greater physical activity as well. Although the demands of a competitive work environment and busy personal lives can be overwhelming at times, getting as little of twenty minutes daily of sun exposure can be enough to adequately supply the body with enough vitamin D to satisfy daily needs while also helping to align circadian rhythms and lead to more restful, refreshing sleep.



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