As a follow up to part one of this series, I thought I would address some of the questions I am often asked by women considering the use of anabolic steroids. So here is a selection of the most frequently asked questions posed by those who are new to the world of anabolics.
QUESTION: As a first time user I am confused as to which anabolic is the safest to begin with. Can you give me some advice?
ANSWER: It's best to begin with a low dose/short cycle of a drug which exhibits low androgenic properties. This would be Anavar (Oxandrolone) or Primobolan (oral or injectable). The most important thing is to keep dosages low, cycle lengths short, and remember to stay off the drugs for at least as long as you are on them.
QUESTION: I am concerned about the virilizing side effects of steroid use. Is there any way to avoid this?
ANSWER: Stay away from the highly androgenic compounds (i.e. all the testosterones, Dianabol, trenbolone, etc) and stick with the low androgens listed above. Cycle length is also an important factor in this respect. Try to keep the length of use down to 6-8 weeks and the dosages on the low side. This would be Anavar 10mg/day or Primobolan 50mg/week. However, bear in mind, genetic susceptibility is a major factor where virilization is concerned and some women are more chemical sensitive.
QUESTION: In terms of general health and overall effectiveness, do you think orals or injectables are the safer option?
ANSWER: With the exception of Primobolan acetate pills, most oral steroids are what are known as 17-alpha-alkylated. Without getting too technical, what this basically means is that they need to pass through the liver twice while being metabolized by the body. This will lead to increased liver toxicity and an increase in potential side effects. Luckily, most highly anabolic (low androgen) oral steroids do not have much in the way of liver toxicity so this issue doesn't come into play when evaluating women usage. Having said that, overall, injectables are the safest option.
QUESTION: What effect is steroid use likely to have on my menstrual cycle?
ANSWER: Amenorrhea (an absence of the menstrual cycle) is usually caused by the use of highly androgenic drugs (e.g. testosterones, Anadrol, trenbolone, ect.) or even high doses of relatively low androgenic drugs (e.g. Winstrol, Anavar, Primobolan). The use of these substances can cause menstrual irregularities ranging from shorter, lighter, periods to the absence of a monthly period altogether. Duration of use is also a key factor where this is concerned.
If you experience a loss of your period while taking anabolics, you may want to look at the dose (or drug) you're taking and reduce the amounts or change the compound; however, many women are actually quite happy for this temporary reprieve from the menstrual cycle. In most cases menstruation resumes within 2-3 months of ceasing steroid use depending on the individual. For some women the time it takes for menstruation to resume can be as short as 3-4 weeks.
QUESTION: Is Clenbuterol really a ‘miracle fat loss drug' and does it have any side effects?
ANSWER: Firstly, there is no such thing as a ‘miracle fat loss drug'. Secondly, all drugs have side effects whether they are great or small. The sides experienced by those who use Clenbuterol are similar to those experienced when you use any central nervous system (CNS) stimulant-- shaky hands, elevated temperature, nausea, insomnia, and increased heart rate. However, these usually diminish once you become accustomed to the drug and can also be controlled by monitoring your response and dosage.
It's best to start with 20mcg/day to test your response. Then, after about 5-7 days, you can increase the dose to two tablets (40mcg) spacing them about 4-5 hours apart. This is a very timid dose by some standards but it's safer go easy at first in order to gauge your response. Also, Clenbuterol has a long half-life in the body (approx 34 hours) so the stuff hangs around a lot longer than most people think.
And, getting back to the ‘miracle fat loss' question. The reality check is the understanding that you still need to eat right and train properly to get the results you're looking for.
QUESTION: I have heard that some women use Nolvadex to lose water and cut up prior to a contest. What are the effects of Nolvadex on the female system?
ANSWER: Nolvadex is a non-steroidal agent with high anti-estrogenic properties. When you reduce the level of estrogen in the female body you can experience a certain degree of discomfort. This is usually experienced as ‘menopausal symptoms' e.g. hot flashes, night sweats, ect. In terms of contest preparation, if you're willing to suffer these mild side effects, Nolvadex can assist in reducing stubborn body fat in the hips, thighs and abdomen, as well as reducing estrogen related water retention. If used prior to menopause it can also cause menstrual irregularities ranging from shorter periods to loss of periods altogether. However, many women who use Nolvadex find that it has no affect whatsoever on their menstrual cycle.
QUESTION: My trainer recently told me that in order to compete at any level I would have to start taking some form of anabolic substance. He gave me a list of options and I decided to go with Anavar as it sounded the safest. Is this true and how many should I take?
ANSWER: First of all, you don't HAVE to take steroids to compete. There are many contests for natural athletes out there. However, if you're sure you're doing this for YOU and not to appease your trainer, then I would say that Anavar is probably the mildest and the safest drug to start with. It was actually originally prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis and it has a very low androgenic index. You'll also experience more strength gains than actual weight gains. This will lead to a tighter more muscular defined "look". As with any drug, start with a low dose to see how you respond and don't rush into increasing the dose until you're sure your system can handle it. I'd say start with 5 to 10mg/day. Anavar doesn't convert to estrogen and has a minimal effect on natural hormone production. However, you must still look out for virilizing side effects such as deepening or hoarseness of the voice, increased body hair, and increased acne.
So there you have it, Steroids 101 for women. In the next installment I'll focus my attention on the more controversial subject of testosterone use by women. If you have any experiences you'd like to share, respect please feel free to e mail me directly at Your identity will not be revealed unless you specifically request it.
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