
The Road of Life Holds Infinite Possibilities

cody2The Road of Life Holds Infinite Possibilities


Growing up is never easy.  You hold onto the past; you wonder about the future.  In fact, some of us never mature; or we try to rebel against it.  Sometimes it's comforting to know that the universe is ever-expanding and so are our dreams.  In the case of Cody Lewis, he's living his focused dreams every day of his life.  At 20 years old, he just won his first Mens Open Overall title at the NPC Contra Costa Bodybuilding Championships on May 7th.





The Art of Big Dan Hill!

DanGirl3German IFBB Pro Dan Hill is one of the youngest pros competing today. He's also one of the most active athletes on the self-promotion bandwagon.  Very few people work harder than Big Dan Hill. Continue reading to find out how Dan got into bodybuilding, why he moved to the United States, and what his future goals are.


The Contenders: JUAN MOREL

DSC_8770BWAs the competition season creeps out from the shadows of its winter hibernation it seems like an appropriate time to look at some of the athletes who are about to make a major impact on the 2011 contest circuit. Kicking off this series, we’ll be featuring up-and-comer Juan “Diesel” Morel. Juan has been working under the guidance of our very own Dave Palumbo for many years and his physique has evolved from well-formed and ripped to downright freaky. Last year saw him finishing in the runner-up spot at both the IFBB North America (behind Lee Banks) and NPC Nationals (behind Fred Smalls). Many people in attendance thought he should have gotten the winning nod, but let’s not get all solemn here.  That was last year; 2011 is a whole new ballgame. Juan is hungrier than ever and he insists that this year his physique will be exactly what the judges are asking for.

That being said…let’s take a closer look at Juan the Man, his discipline, his diet, and how he gets those chiseled pecs!


One on One with PJ Braun

37In this series of articles we are going to go ‘one on one’ with your favorite bodybuilders and learn a bit more about them personally as well as explore their approach to diet and training.

First up is PJ Braun who has chalked up quite a reputation for himself over the years and has become a highly sought after training and nutrition consultant.

Sponsored by Species Nutrition and with a popular Q & A thread here on RX, the time has come to take a closer look at the man behind that amazing physique as we go ‘one on one’ with the man himself….


Victor Richards Pulls No Punches . . .Find out Why He Never Competed!

75f4a-victor_richards_57Rx: What do you feel your calling in this sport is?

VR: My calling in this sport was NOT to win titles and compete; it was to mentor people and give a voice to people that didn't feel they could speak up. I don't think I would have been able to do that and compete at the same time. I wouldn't have been able to be an advocate and voice for the athletes and the fans if I had been competing. As your life experiences goes on your calling becomes more and more clear to you. Sometimes you don't know where they are leading you and then once you arrive it all makes sense. The life experiences I have had have made me even more passionate to pursue my calling. So now I am committing all of my time and all of my energy to being that voice and that advocate. Over the years many have tried to silence my voice and discredit me. I am not a dog - I am a wolverine and if you back me in a corner I am going to fight!


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