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2015 Sports Hall of Fame Inductees Announced


 sportshalloffameinducteesThe International Sports Hall of Fame (www.SportsHOF.org) is pleased to announce their Inductee Class for 2015.
They are:
Paul “TRIPLE H” Levesque-13 Time World Champion
Evander Holyfield-5 Time World Boxing Champion
Lenda Murray-8 Time Ms. Olympia World Bodybuilding Champion
Michael Jai White-Holder of 7 Black Belts & movie star
Don 'The Dragon' Wilson-11 Time World Kickboxing Champion & movie star
Ed Coan-Multi-World Champion and holder of over 70 World Powerlifting Records
Candidates are chosen not only for the athletic accomplishments, but also for their charitable works and mentoring of young children. The International Sports Hall of Fame headquarters are housed at the world's largest physical culture museum at the University of Texas, Austin, The Stark Center.
The Induction ceremonies will be held March 7, 2015 during the Arnold Schwarzenegger Sports Festival (www.arnoldsportsfestival.com), the largest such event in the world, with over 175,000 attendees and 18,000 competing athletes (twice the size of the Olympics). The event is hosted by International Sports Hall of Fame Founder Dr Robert Goldman (www.DrBobGoldman.comwww.facebook.com/robert.goldman2) and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Over 800 members of the international press are invited annually, as well as select world champion athletes and past International Sports Hall of Fame Inductees.


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