Dave Palumbo takes you through a crazy Monday as he talks about RXMuscle in transition, a conversation with the one and only Stone Cold Steve Austin, and a mini tour of the updated RXMuscle offices.
Dave Palumbo is joined by his 20 month old son Logan for a review of Mr G's latest innovation: Mr Potts Protein Potato Chips. Find out what makes these chips so special!
[Watch] Bostin Loyd's Mom Lost Posing Footage
[Watch] Dave reviews Serenity by Titan Medical.
Dave Palumbo talks about day 3 of his shoulder replacement surgery and recovery.
Bostin Loyd brings Dave Palumbo lunch after Dave's shoulder replacement surgery.
Dave Palumbo gives an update on how he's feeling after his shoulder replacement surgery.
[Watch] Dave speaks before shoulder replacement surgery.
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