IFBB Pro Lee Powell at the 2012 BodyPower UK!
2x Mr Universe Dave Titterton at the 2012 BodyPower UK!
BodyCoaches.net Booth at 2012 BodyPower UK!
BodyPower Marketing Director Ollie Upton at 2012 BodyPower UK!
We all know what it looks like in it's varying shades of color and hue. We all know what it smells like after a long night of consuming it. We all know how it tastes (and know it is much better going down than coming up) in it's varying flavors. But unless you understand the complexities it takes to make good beer (not the ballpark bullshit we see at every pro sports game we attend) you can't fully appreciate the quality of a good Scottish Ale or dark smokey Stout compared to the piss water so many American companeis are producing. Here one of the countries leading brewmasters explains all of the above.
The great countries and regions known as Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Cornwall all share common ancesstry here in the U.S. Scott Fischer of the Scottish Society of Dallas confirms that Hildebrand is NOT of the Scottish ancestry but that Taylor certainly is. If you are interested in learning if your heritage includes that of the Scotts, Irish, Welsh and Cornish, then see your local Scottish Society for mreo information.
Aaron Singerman & John Hansen's Muscle At The Movies
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