Dave Palumbo's My Life: Epic conclusion of Dave's My Life 2012 has come down to the New Years Party!!!
January 5th 2013: Linda Wood Hoyte's 70th Birthday Gym Party at the East Coast Mecca- Bev Francis Powerhouse Gym in Syosset, New York!!!
Dave Palumbo's My Life: The Last 12 hours of 2012-- Part 3: After Taco Joe's Dave visit's his SPECIES warehouse then goes to the gym for a quick Long Island "Juice" Workout.... then it's perfect timing to visit Sunny at the Merrick Nail Salon. Finally, don't miss the Last Supper of 2012!
Dave Palumbo's My Life: The Last 12 hours of 2012. Out from Physical Therapy Dave continues his day as he goes buy some fish and goes to one of his new favorite spots Taco Joe's !!!
Dave Palumbo's My Life: The Last 12 hours of 2012. Dave gets his last Physical Therapy with Mike Camp! And gives details on his plan for the entire day!!!
RxMuscle EXCLUSIVE!!!! Bev Francis updates us on her recovery from her knee surgery!!! You will only see it here!!!
Dave Palumbo's My Life: Rehabbing a Repaired Quad with Physical Therapist Mike Camp!
Bros vs Pros 13: Part 3- $1500 Mens Bench Press For Reps! Will Yersky, Feroce & Champagnie Save the Honor of the IFBB Pros?
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